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Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to.Sample Answer2

You should say

Who this person was 
How you knew this person 
What impressed you about this person
And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person

Lucy, my ever best friend, a kind of stubborn girl, is quite something in my eyes. When she put her hands to(着手做某事) things ,she will not quit till finish. It is exactly thepersonality that brings her success in so many ways. I will walk you throughher Italian-learning experience to see the point.

I knew her since college, and effortlessly we become best friends with whom we would share everything. After a sweet but short encounter with an Italian gentleman in a small accident, magically, Lucy found a passion for Italian, which was the most artistic language in the world to her, since after some study she knew that Italian had a profound effect on dozens of languages during the Renaissance. Fascinated by the classic Italian operas and films, Lucy made up her mind to master Italian and turn it to her second foreign language.

To make it happen, she signed up for an Italian course online and study Italian via videos. The saying goes that practice makes perfect, but there was nobody she could practice Italian with. You know, she was too shy to ask the phone number of the mentioned Italian guy, and regretted like 1000 times for failing to do so. But she seemed to find an alternativeway. So often did I heard her talk to herself in not so perfect Italian in the dorm, on the campus and on other occasions. A bit crazy, right? It was expectedthat she would have to invest a lot time and efforts. Though, she was not a tall discouraged because she could always found strength in her dream of travelling in Italy. There she could talk to the native Italian speakers and get to enjoy the famous Italian cuisine and operas.

Hard work does pay and it is enviable that Lucy is now able to watch Italian films without subtitles. What an achievement! Her perseverance never fail to awe me.

Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person you had disagreement with.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.Sample Answer 1
Describe a good friend.Sample Answer1