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An unusual building you’ve visited.Sample Answer2

You should say

Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you think it is unusual.

Last year I went to Sydney for a trip and I saw the well-known Sydney Opera House in person. It’s one of the most unusual buildings I’ve ever seen. The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre (多场馆表演艺术中心)which is located at the northeastern tip -Sydney’s central business district, surrounded on three sides by the harbor. It’s one of the busiest performing arts centres in the world, hosting more than 1,500 performances each year attended by about 1.2 million people. The Sydney Opera House is renowned for its expressionist design, with several large precast “shells” (贝壳)forming the roof of the structure. The use of special tiles in it maximize (扩大)sound reflection effect, which makes it possible for all the audience to be able to enjoy music of high quality. The top art performing groups and some famous artists put on performances in the Sydney Opera House every year. There are various shows performed in it including musicals, operas, symphonies etc. A lot of music lovers come from all over the world to enjoy these perfect performances in this distinctive opera house. It has been regarded as a great honor to have the chance to perform in it. I was lucky to enjoy a show in the Sydney Opera House when I stayed in Sydney. I was shocked by the excellent sound effects throughout the entire performance. If I have a chance the next time, I will definitely go there again and enjoy another live symphony by a top orchestra.

Describe a garden/park you often go to.Sample Answer 1
Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).Sample Answer 1
Describe a city you have been to.Sample Answer1
Describe a place ( that you visited ) far away from your home.Sample Answer1