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An unusual building you’ve visited.Sample Answer3

You should say

Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you think it is unusual.

If you let me describe an unusual building, I would like to talk about the shell museum in Dalian. It looks like a castle built in hills. I still remember that it was in 2004 spring that I visit there with my classmates. My mom told me that it was one of the greatest places of interest in Dalian. It located besides Xinghai Square, the biggest city square in Asia, as a place which attracts lots of tourists. What impresses me the most is the architecture appearance. It is made of grey-yellow stone, and typical Gothic roof, which looks just like a castle in Middle Ages Europe. When standing in front of the building, I am deeply impressed by the astounding fact of human wisdom. I feel I am really lucky that I can have a chance to touch the stunning beauty of nature face to face.

Although shell museum does not represent one of the world's cultural landscape, that place fulfills my precious memory and I regard it as my favorite architecture.

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