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An unusual building you’ve visited.Sample Answer4

You should say

Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you think it is unusual.

There’s an amazing house in Tehran whose rooms rotate 90° to adapt to the weather.

The Sharifi-ha House was finished last year(2013), I saw it online. In Old Iranian mansions, builders would traditionally include a winter and summer living room. But having 2 rooms serve the samepurpose takes up a lot of square footage. The Sharifi-ha House offers you a way to make rooms appear perfect no matter the weather or time of year,because within this 7-story house, 3 of the rooms are capable of flipping directions.

In the summer time the Sharifi-ha House is designed to offer a very light and bright transparency. During the winter, the rooms shift around so that the home appears more closed-off from the storm.Yet, just because the rooms can turn away from the window, doesn’t mean the whole house goes pitch dark. The house is specially created so that it revolvesaround a central void, which allows the light from outside to pass through.

The architects that made this design a reality say, “When the turning boxes are closed, the building captures sunlight throughout the space of the central void, which also connects the two fixed volumes by suspended bridges.”

In a world where the only constant is change, the designers of this home wanted to create something capable of keeping up. Are you wondering just how the house actually turns up to 90 degrees? Rotating theater seats and cars on rotating platforms (like what you’d see at a car show) both use the same turning mechanism.This is the same exact system used for the rotating rooms.

The Sharifi-ha House is cool on so many different levels. It looks great from the street, with its modern bamboo detailing and clear glass balconies, plus its motorized to move just how you want it. A personalized house that can adapt to fit your ever-changing needs…this domain keeps sounding better and better!

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