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A place you went to that was full of colour.Sample Answer2

You should say

Where it is
Why you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think this place was made so colourful.

After I graduated from high school, I went to the seashore in Xiamen with my best friends. I really miss the days when we stayed together and shared our secrets to each other. At that time, we were so young, so innocent and isolated from sophistication(世故). We took many pictures together on the beach, wearing colorful skirts or jams, free from the pressure we had before. But those bright skirts and jams were not the only things that decorated the seashore. Various new things lightened up the time when we stayed there. We swam in the blue sea, we surfed on the aqua surfboard and we even took several diving lessons. Those bright colors indicated the energy of young people. I would like to return to this place not only because of the scenic (风景优美的)landscape in bright colors but also because of the time I spent with my friends. I still remember that when we sat on the beach, we claimed our blueprint for our prospect and expressed our grievance for leaving each other. We were so young and so cheerful but time also passed by and the only thing can bring us back to that time is the colorful photo.

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