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A place you went to that was full of colour.Sample Answer4

You should say

Where it is
Why you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think this place was made so colourful.

When I talk about a colorful place, the only picture that I can visualize is the tulip field in Keukenhof Park, which is the biggest tulip park in Holland. No more than an hour’s drive from the downtown area in Amsterdam will you find this lovely park in the adorable little town call Liess.

When I was 6,I first passed by this beautiful park and witnessed a feast of (视觉盛宴)blooming tulip with all earthly colors(所有世间的色彩), I really can describe this view as a well-organized mega colorfusion(合理安排的大型色彩融合), say red, orange, yellow and green which are the common tulip colors, and even the blue, black and violet which are rare to see anywhere elsebut here. You know, I used to live in the downtown area in Amsterdam, and that was the first time that I been so far from the place I lived. Dad were driving the caravan( 旅行大篷车)while me and some boyhood friends(儿时伙伴) playing on the backseats, but when we were approaching the field, we were all astonished and tongue tied(舌头打结,瞠目结舌) at the its incomparable beauty(不可比拟的魅力). It was funnycuz before we started this short-distance caravan travel, we kids were a bit reluctant, but thing changed after no more than an hour.

The previous doubt and unwillingness(不愿意,不情愿)turned into the laughter and joy, we ran and sang and jumped over the tulip field,then when we got a bit tired, we ripped open the picnic box and sat in gap line between 2 different colors of fields, when we looked right, we saw the purple,when we looked left, the orange and when we looking forward, we could see the wind blow the fields and the color shifted rapidly like a series of elaborative(精致的)color picture. When we sat back and looked into the blue sky, the clouds showed their faces and let out our wild imagination.

You can imagine how colorful it was and how cheerful the life in Holland can be.Visually, the tulip field must be the most colorful place in the world but for me it also stands for the amazing life I had in Holland with my family and boyhood mates, and that is what I called the in erasable golden memory(不可抹去的金色记忆).

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