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Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.Sample Answer4

You should say

Who the person is?
When did you met the person at the first time?
What is the person’s character?
And explain how you feel about the person.

Last summer, I went to attend a debating tournament (辩论赛)held in Singapore with two senior students from my college. It was quite a special experience to me since it was my first time abroad and I also met a lot of brilliant debaters from other countries. We debated and also talked with debaters from different regions, with different backgrounds and identities. I was impressed by a gorgeous boy who came from Thailand. Apart from his handsome appearance, he was also a knowledgeable and logical man with outstanding public speaking skills, which made him the spotlight (焦点)in the crowd. I first encountered him in around of debate about religion and after the tournament I had a brief conversation with him about our beliefs. When I was talking with him, he was glowing with passion and inspiration, which was rare among our peers. Since he’s a Muslim and I’m non-religious, we were trying to make each other understood by sharing our experience and perspective. When I was sharing my view with him, I was surprised to find that he was an open-minded, eloquent person, always willing to learn about the things he didn’t know. What he said impressed me the most was that debating with people from different culture background enables us to throw away our biases and prejudices and understand a different world. After the conversation with him, I realized that just like one’s appearance, the way things are presented to you could be unreal, and only when you try to learn more about them could you really see how good or bad they are. 

Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person you had disagreement with.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.Sample Answer 1
Describe a good friend.Sample Answer1