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Describe an old person you know who you respect.Sample Answer3

You should say

Who the person is
How you know the person
How long you have known this person
And explain why you respect this person.

I would like to describe an old person I respect. He is an old experienced traditional Chinese doctor. The first time I met with him was about 3 years ago. I had my right foot twisted carelessly when I went downstairs. It tortured me for a couple of days and I thought I can’t just leave it like this without any treatment, so my mum decide to bring me to take Chinese medical treatment. We first inquired some friends about what kind of treatment should I receive and which doctor is better. Then after listening to others’ suggestions, we found him. He worked in a small clinic. As soon as we entered the clinic, we smelt the herbs. Seeing us coming in, he stood up and welcomed us. He was of medium height with grey hair. Smiling, he helped us to be seated(就坐 take a seat)and asked me about my foot pain. At the same time, he touched my ankle, asking if it was aching. After diagnosis(诊断), he told me that it was not really serious. He would help me rectify(纠正correct)the hurt position back to the right place and apply a piece of medical ointment there. I was a little nervous when he told me his cure, but his practiced skills made me relax. He skillfully rectify my ankle position and alleviated my pain all the sudden. Then he carefully pasted the ointment on my ankle and told me about how to take care of it by myself. After I received his treatment and followed his later on instruction, my feet and ankle is getting less painful and only after 2 weeks, they were totally healed. Then I went to his clinic again to thank him for his marvelous medical skills and magic therapy. You know, an skillful and experience Chinese medicine doctor is always respected and valued. And for me, he eased my pain so quickly and cure me eventually, I believe he has both the virtue and skills, that why I respect him so much.

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