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Describe a person who is a good leader.Sample Answer2

You should say

Who the person is.
Why the person can be a leader
What you can learn from the person

The good leader I’d like to talk about is Jenny. She is a senior to me and also the leader of the chorus, whose voice is really soft and sweet, like wooing(轻声说) a baby. But that is not the only reason whyshe was elected as the chorus leader. The reason why we all like and even adore her is that she is such a humble person (谦逊的)and treat us in a friendly and amicable manner (以有爱待人)which I regard is the lubrication(润滑剂) of a cozy atmosphere of our chorus. Moreover she set up an explicit(明确的,perspicacious)plan in the beginning of every semester and make sure that everyone are clear about it. She’d like to see us be really motivated and practical about the scheme of our aims but never be annoyed and grumpy with our sloppy plays(马虎的工作). In most of the time, she simply justencouraged us. A principle she stick to(坚守) is that chorus is that the school chorus is established to entertain the students and none of us should be forced to do something that against our wills. Because of her dedicated work and organization, our chorus have won several consequential(有意义的) prizes in various contests. Personally, the reason why she can be a so successful chorus leader is that she is avid in doing her job well and works as a great role model for us and what she focused on is the social relationships, more precisely, friendships, because gaining other’s trust is the only way to convince them to back you up. All these good qualities of hers is exactly the thing I want to learn, and I do believe these thing will help me to a large extent throughout my entire career life.

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