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Describe a person you don’t like but have to be friendly to.Sample Answer2

You should say

Who the person is.
Why you don’t like the person
Why you have to be friendly to this person.

I went to a clinic for my toothache last Sunday morning. A dentist there really ruin my mood for the whole day. When I entered the room, the dentist shouted at me ferociously(凶狠的)and demanded me to make an appointment in advance. I was repellent of him since it was not my fault not making an appointment. I could not find any instructions in the clinic or on the website that told us to make an appointment before. His rude tone and arrogant(傲慢的) countenance(表情)also irritated me. The outrage burned my heart but I had to be polite to him because I didn’t want to exasperate a person who would give me medicine. He was not only a rude person but also an irresponsible dentist. He only took a glance at my teeth and scrawled a transcript. When I tried to explain my condition more perspicuously, he just waved to me and told me that I should leave now. I was astonished at that time and tried to argue with him but failed since other patients were also anxious to wait for the dentist to examine them. In fact, I had no other option then but to be polite to such a negligent(玩忽职守)and discourteous (不礼貌的)dentist. It was really frustrating.

Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person you had disagreement with.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.Sample Answer 1
Describe a good friend.Sample Answer1