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Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.Sample Answer2

You should say

Where this place was
What you did at this place
Who you went there with
And explain why you liked this place.

When I was still a little girl, my parents took me to a local park near my home. Then something funny happened in that park. I have a very vague (模糊的)memory of it. Thus most of the story comes from my parents. They clearly remember all the details since according to them “It’s just so cute in this way”. In that park, there was a fountain with cute goldfish in its pool. After some running and laughing, I was a little tired and asked to take a rest. My father then took me to the fountain and sat on its edge for a break. I was so curious with the fountain, so I turned to it, standing on the edge of it, and looked at the pool. I found the gold fish and felt exalted. I was so excited that I tried to point the goldfish to my mother: “Look at the goldfish!” Then I lost balance and fell into the fountain pool crying out “Help me, daddy!” Fortunately, the pool did not have much water in it. I was pulled out by my father right away but I got wet. My parents kept talking about this for years because I somehow looked very cute at that time after being pulled out, wearing my father’s big coat. I felt funny too when I think of this. Every time I see a fountain, I always remember my childhood full of happiness.

Describe a garden/park you often go to.Sample Answer 1
Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).Sample Answer 1
Describe a city you have been to.Sample Answer1
Describe a place ( that you visited ) far away from your home.Sample Answer1