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Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.Sample Answer4

You should say

Where this place was
What you did at this place
Who you went there with
And explain why you liked this place.

Well, the place is not famous spot that well frequented Tourists, but it is personal, special and I will never forget those mornings of reading out there during my hectic preparation for postgraduate entrance exams.

It is a big artificial lake of my college where I have lived six years. It is located right by a river that runs through our campus. The two are the natural dividing of the learning zone and living zone. Every day in the early morning, some students, especially freshmen, would go to the lake side and memorizing words or beautiful proses, and enjoy the added bonus of morning serenity. That’s quite a view on campus. But to most of us, the lake is part of our daily life because almost every day, in order to go to the teaching buildings where we take courses, we need to walk through the Long Bridge over the lake. At first we felt that the 450 meters bridge is so long that it’s truly tiring to cross a few times a day. However when it became a routine, we gradually learned to appreciate the walk itself.

Sometimes I walk quickly in the slightly foggy morning with take-out breakfast in my hands so as to reach the classroom on time. Sometimes I take a slow lazy walk on the way to the library. Sometimes I stand there taking photos of a few beautiful birds resting beside the lake. 

Sometimes I do some jogging along the lake breathing the misty aroma.

It’s a souled water, a great listener.

Describe a garden/park you often go to.Sample Answer 1
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