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Describe a family member you want to work with.Sample Answer3

You should say

Who the member is
What kind of work you want to do with him or her
What he or she did impressed you most
And explain why you would like to work with him or her

Among all the family member, I admire my grandfather the most. Especially, the thing I want to work with him most is to go fishing. You know, my grandfather used to be a fisherman in the East Coast of China. Because he did not want my grandmother to live a life at sea with him, he gave up fishing for a living.

Probably you might think that fishing is such a tedious and boring work for most of people because you have to sit for quite a long time staring at the water. What is more, it seems very dangerous to fish on a fishing boat in the ocean. However, for me, it is a great opportunity for me to improve my patience. Fishing is a very unendurable process before you get the fish, while on the other hand, it could be much more delighted than get what you want easily. Only when we really know the difficulties can we enjoy the fruit we get. During the fishing time, my grandfather sometimes tells me about his previous career of fishing. As well, he tells many truths of life. He makes me realize that we should face the difficulties and challenges in a positive attitude. To be honest, my grandfather is the person that I look up to as a role model in my life and I can learn a lot from him.

Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person you had disagreement with.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.Sample Answer 1
Describe a good friend.Sample Answer1