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Describe a sportsperson who played well in the match.Sample Answer4

You should say

Who the person was
What the match was
When and where the person played
And explain why you think the person played well in the match

Sun Yang, a talented swimming athlete in China, is the one who I admire in the swimming field. After he won the gold medal for 400 m and 1500 m freestyle swimming (自由泳)and broke the Olympic record, he soon became the spotlight. Before that, no man in the history of China had ever won a gold medal for swimming in the Olympic Games and he made the record in the swimming history of China. With handsome appearance and the talent in swimming, Sun Yang is popular among young people and many other young athletes regards him as their idol. His parents are former volleyball players, which contributed to his ideal constitution (完美体格)for swimming and talent in sports. He showed his talent in swimming when he was still a little boy, so his parents sent him to an athletic school and he began his training there. He spent most part of his childhood in training and finally he managed to reach the standard line of the national swimming team. Even with bruises or broken figures, he never gives up training, which makes him an outstanding swimming athlete. I think he succeeded not only because of his innate advantages(先天优势), including his perfect body and genetic gifts in sports, but also because he had devoted his time and energy to his training. I have learned from him that if you want to make achievement on one thing, you need to spend a lot of time on it and also stick to it.
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