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  雅思考试(International English Language Testing System, 简称IELTS), 是一种针英语能力,为打算到使用英语的国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。雅思考试分为听力、阅读、写作以及口语四个部分。雅思口语考试时间大概为10至15分钟,考官与考生进行一对一交流,从而对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。

  Part 1
  1. Work
  2. Study
  3. Hometown
  4. Accommodation
  5. Cooking
  6. Course
  7. Leisure time
  8. Weather(rain)
  9. Animal
  10. Shopping
  11. Dictionary
  12. Language
  13. Gift
  14. Name
  15. TV
  16. Clothes
  17. Concentration
  18. Train
  19. Time(Being late)
  20. Birthday
  21. Museum
  22. Map
  23. Photo
  24. Street market
  25. Flower
  26. Music
  27. Internet
  28. Computer
  29. Park
  30. Car
  31. Childhood
  32. Friend
  33. Game
  34. News
  35. Plant
  36. High school
  37. Toy
  38. Tree
  39. Walk
  40. Noise
  41. Weekends
  42. Neighbor
  Part 2
  1. A person from another country
  2. An intelligent person
  3. A friend you haven’t seen for a long time
  4. A person with an interesting job
  5. A popular actress
  6. A comic actor who is famous in China
  7. An important person in your hometown
  8. A wild animal
  1. A busy time
  2. A competition you would like to watch
  3. A cultural communication you experienced
  4. A holiday that you were not at home
  5. An experience that changed your life in a positive way
  6. A special meal you had
  7. A wedding you once take part in
  8. A time you helped your neighbor
  9. A time you moved to a new house
  10. An occasion when someone helped you
  11. An occasion you met an old friend
  12. A time when you forgot something
  13. Something you’d like to do with an old person in your family
  1. A place you’d like to visit in a foreign country
  2. A garden/park you like to visit
  3. A historical building in your city
  4. A place near water
  5. A city you visited
  6. A school you went in childhood
  7. A restaurant you’d like to visit
  8. An apartment you’ve visited
  1. A subject that someone ask you for information
  2. A decision you took a long time to make
  3. A childhood gift
  4. A sport you’d like to play
  5. A type of reading you enjoy
  6. Something you want to share with somebody
  7. Your first cellphone/mobile phone
  8. Indoor game for children
  9. A movie you dislike
  10. A photo someone took for you
  11. A popular product made in China
  12. A product in your hometown
  13. A group you’d like to take part in
  14. An advertisement
  15. A magazine
  16. A work of art you like
  17. A website
  18. An important letter
  19. A television program you like
  20. An old thing in your family
  21. A book you enjoy reading
  22. Something you bought but not always use
  23. A popular law in your country
  24. A subject you dislike
  25. A language you’d like to study
  26. Something you’d like to save money for
雅思热点 雅思听力 雅思阅读 雅思写作 雅思口语 高分经验
考试流程 边玩边学 要点内容 倒装句 四大技巧 考官解析
评分标准 精听技巧 文章特点 真题解析 发音技巧 高分特点
考后服务 看英剧 阅读提分点 优秀句型 话题整理 8分阅读
单项突破 速寻答案 阅读关键点 注意事项 必备句型 7分经验
暑期备考 场景解析 分层技巧 语言包装 重点解析 8分经验
2014年10月18日雅思考试口语真题回忆 (网友版)