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【Part2】Describe a sportsperson who played well in the match

2015年04月28日17:16 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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摘要:最新雅思口语机经重磅发布!本机经预测的试题为Describe a sportsperson who played well in the match.本文附上了名师撰写的经典范文,仅供各位烤鸭参考。在使用雅思口语机经时,还请您配合雅思口语题库一起多加练习。
You should say

Who the person was
What the match was
When and where the person played
And explain why you think the person played well in the match

【Part2】Describe a sportsperson who played well in the match图1

Generally, I am a quiet and inactive person, and always think sport is boring and not my way of life. but I did watch a basketball match unwittingly which left me an indelible memory, in which Tracy McGrady gave a god-like performance.

Tracy McGrady, known as T-Mac in America and Mai Di in China, was once an American professional basketball player as a shooting guard in the NBA. He is destined to be a basketball player because he has the ever best physical talent for basketball for decades, and he did make it to the top. As one of the gifted players to picked by NBA teams right after high school, he has been a seven-time NBA All-Star player and a two-time NBA scoring champion during his 17-year career.

There are numerous great moments in NBA history, and if there is ever a list for the top ten, ‘McGrady moment’ will definitely high on it. After being transferred to Houston Rockets, McGrady was paired up with YaoMing for the championship. On December 9, 2004, in Toyota Center, the home of Rockets, there was a game against Spurs. In less than one minute before the end of the game, the Rockets were still ten points behind. And in the last thirty five seconds, he scored unbelievable thirteen points, snatching a win from Spurs’ hands by 81-80. It’s a mission impossible and even the god can’t believe it.

I thought he could play well in that game as the result of two factors. First, he had strong personal capabilities. He could score at any place in the basketball court. Second, he coordinated well with his teammates. Without the cooperation, he couldn’t creat such an unexpected moment.

Though Tracy suffered a lot of injuries and finally faded away from his beloved basketball court. He is always my superhero who makes impossible possible.



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