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5月雅思口语考试P2新题精解——描述something you want to learn more

2015年05月26日12:01 来源:小站教育作者:victor
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摘要:很平易近人的话题,真正人人有话说,人人有分拿。不过,此时就是展现你的real stuff的时刻了。

Describe something that you want to learn more.

•What is it?

•Why you want to learn it?

•How to learn it?

5月雅思口语考试P2新题精解——描述something you want to learn more图1

此题相对而言,较为简单,something几乎可是上达天文,下至地理,无所不包。从修身的音乐,美术,舞蹈甚至厨艺到治国的企业管理,政府运作,异国人文,都行。如果讨巧点,说俺打小就喜欢于西方文化,尤其钟情于British culture,平日只能在书籍影视中观摩。可谓,身不能至,心向往之(soft spot)。不过,但凡溜须拍马,最忌过度。如果自我描摹成一个aficionado of UK culture,然后跟考官聊着聊着就露出一个小白的馅了,岂不自毁长城。

虽说,话题没有什么门槛,不过,要说得有意思,有深度,还是得自己有料哇,不过,为了与广大想学艺术类的兴趣爱好者区分开,笔者,打算还是对something进行一个广义的解读,go to extremes,没错,作为一枚宅男(indoorsman/woman),something I want to learn more is the world.


I want to learn more about the outside world when I’m financially and mentally ready.

I am an self-claimed armchair traveler, I can be unbelievably talkative when it comes to the exotic cultures, since I invest a big chunk of my spare time online to seek knowledge and experience about the world I never has a chance to set foot on, so the nod acquaintances regard me a well-traveled cosmopolitan, but guys that really know me call me a hopeless indoorsman. For a long time, I feel 100 percent OK with my life style, until one day, I realise the “well-rounder” reputation I enjoy is nothing but a mask, only to conceal the real coward and weak me. Others life stores, no matter how I can internalise, are others, not mine. I want to really sample the world with my own eyes, ears and limbs.
The great way to learn the world is traveling, preferably in a self-help style. That’s what I want and plan. I know everyone once had a dream like going around to see the world, and in most case it’s just a sweet and unrealistic one never treated seriously. But this time I mean it. People say, when you are young, you’re stopped from traveling the world by lack of money, while when you are not young and supposedly not short of money, by lack of courage. I think for now I am in lack of both, but my urge is more and more intense of leave everything behind and traveling the world by bicycle. In my plan, it will not a journey made up of famous tourist resorts. I will get down to the local culture and truly live and feel it. The joy and sorrows of real people, the foods and views of the local, I desire a first-hand contact of all of those. I will do part-time jobs, collect stories and make friends all along the way.
A great solo traveler said: I'm yet to meet anyone who regrets travelling, if you have the opportunity and inclination, grab it with both hands. I am waiting for that opportunity.


第一段 清晰讲出what,顺带讲出了when

第二段 background和why
第三段 how 和opinion

第四段 conclusion with a quote

5月雅思口语考试P2新题精解——描述something you want to learn more图2


(旅行的限制因素)Unfortunately, the limiting factor is always money. Whatever lifehack we could learn from others for shaving the cost of travel, it's still a hefty block of cash to put out.

(旅行是一所名牌大学)Your approach should be to look at travel as an investment for your life. Trust me, it can be worthier than the most prestigious of college degrees. I have one myself and I value my travel experience equally if not more.
(值不值得)The big question you usually face is, do you get anything worthwhile out of travelling for such a long time? And the end of the day, you visit a handful of places, listen to some stories and make some new friends. But is this really worth all the time and money?
(一词以蔽之perspective)Travel gives you just one learning. Nothing more. Travel gives you perspective. Perspective for life. A guiding hand for the rest of your life.
(你所能得)Travel makes you realize we are all similar no matter what race, colour, language or country. Travel amplifies our learning. Travel makes you a master story teller. You will be able to weave the most convincing of stories
(信任的一跳a leap of faith) The biggest barrier to get over is fear.  If I had time to plan and think about quitting my job and taking time off like that, I don't know if I ever would have left!  You need that leap of faith and ability to ignore friends and family (and that inner voice) that says you shouldn't do this or it's irresponsible or childish.
(马克吐温)Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.



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