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1月雅思口语新题精解:Describe a decision you took a long time to take

2016年01月28日18:01 来源:小站整理
参与(5) 阅读(13372)
摘要:a difficult decision you’ve ever made,各位烤鸭们呀,这个对大家来说简直太容易了!我们回想一下,当年决定报考雅思出国留学的时候,难道是轻轻松松决定的么?肯定是深思熟虑彻夜难眠冥思苦想各种权衡之后的决定啊!If that’s not a difficult decision, then I don’t know what is.

Describe a decision you took a long time to take

You should say:

What decision it was

What difficulties you faced,

How you made the decision,

And explain why it took you a long time to make the decision.

1月雅思口语新题精解:Describe a decision you took a long time to take图1



1. be able to see the world = to travel widely and gain wide experience

2. have the chance to experience different styles of education.

3. improve our language skills

4. bring out your independent nature

5. …… 自由发挥吧


1. don’t need to be far away from your family

2. don’t have to spend all your parents’ savings on tuition

3. don’t have to face the challenge of studying difficult courses in a second language

4. be able to fit in with schoolmates and professors in college much easier and quicker

5. be less likely to feel lonely and helpless because your family and friends are only a cheap flight-ticket away

6. …… 各种出国后的挑战加进来吧!

而且我们可以顺便把important conversation搞定,因为这么重要滴决定,肯定是要跟家人商量来的啊,总结起来,这个回答可以这么说:

1月雅思口语新题精解:Describe a decision you took a long time to take图2


Well, the most difficult decision I’ve ever made was whether or not I should study abroad next year. / Well, the most important conversation I had so far was with my parents about whether or not I should study abroad next year.

In the recent couple of years, there’s this growing tendency among high school graduates to embark on a study abroad program. I’ve always wanted to do the same, because it’s a good opportunity to see the world, to experience different styles education, and to improve my language skills. And for a girl who has never been far away from home, studying in a foreign country might bring out my independent nature. But I need to give it some careful thought before I could make the decision. I told my parents who are both open-minded about my plan, and they were pretty supportive, but they also pointed out some disadvantages. My mom told me that being in a new place by myself could be overwhelming sometimes, and it tests my ability to adapt to diverse situations. And it’s highly possible that I would feel lonely and helpless every so often, because all of my close friends and family members are on the other side of the world. I would be completely on my own, and basically everything I took for granted in the past would then be a challenge, like paying bills, opening bank accounts, communicating with fellow students, and the list goes on and on.

All of a sudden, I felt stuck. All those challenges sounded terrifying, but I really didn’t want to give up the opportunity. I weighed up the pros and cons carefully, and after some serious consideration, I finally made up my mind. So here I am. / So I believe this conversation really means a lot.

所以大家在准备雅思口语时候可以参考上面的框架,自己改编pros and cons。 其实有时候留学的坏处就是留在家学习的好处嘛,请大家灵活处理。



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