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2016年4月雅思口语part2超高频话题答案:Describe a movie.

2016年04月14日15:16 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(4) 阅读(31537)

分享雅思口语part2事物类高频话题Describe a foreign movie that you saw,描述你看过的一部外国电影。看国外的电影是蛮好玩的呢,可以看到跟国内不一样的制作,特效,顺便还能吧外语学了。特别是我们这种要考雅思的,真是一举两得呢!不过啊,本文这里分享的一篇范文,这个作者有点纠结,为了学西班牙语看的一部电影,好像又觉得这部电影很奇怪,到底怎么回事,一起来看看吧!

2016年4月雅思口语part2超高频话题答案:Describe a movie.图1



Describe a foreign movie that you saw.

You should say:

What was it about?

What did you like about it?

Why did you remember that movie?

Sample answer:

I watched a foreign movie a long time ago. It was a strange kind of movie but I only watched it to practice my Spanish. I can hardly remember all of the story, but it was about a man and a woman, and the woman was working as a maid in a large family house,somehow her boyfriend ended up hiding in the attic of the house and he stayed there for a long time,and the woman left, she stopped working at the house, and the family moved away and the man continued living in the was really kind of a weird movie, but I remember that at the end of it the man and woman got back together again,they found each other many years later after the main part of the movie, and I think they were still in love with each other.

Really, I didn’t like it that much, but it was one of those movies that can lure you to see what happens next. I almost gave it up on a couple of occasions because it seemed boring, but then some twists would happen and I decided to go on with it.

The reason I remember it is because it was so slow and uninteresting most of the time, but I ended up watching it all eventually.


Spanish 西班牙语 maid 女仆

somehow 不知怎么地,不知道什么原因

attic 阁楼 weird 奇怪的

occasion 时刻 overall 总的来说


1.Some movies are known to be 'based on a true story.' These types of movies are very interesting because they actually happened. The only reason they are not considered to be a non-fiction movie is because the director or writer will add some scenes that didn't happen, or change some facts around so the movie is more appealing to the masses.




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