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2016年4月雅思口语part2高频话题范文:Describe a useful APP

2016年04月28日16:49 来源:小站教育
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摘要:分享雅思口语part 2话题:Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.参考范文及语料库。描述一款你知道的不管是手机上,电脑上,平板上有用的app。

今天分享的雅思口语part2的话题:Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.描述一款app.说到app,应该没有人不知道是怎么回事吧?手机上,平板电脑上,我们每天都在用app了解世界,结交更多的人,发现很多好玩的东西。关于这个话题,我们应该怎么说呢?一起来看看吧!

2016年4月雅思口语part2高频话题范文:Describe a useful APP图1


Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.

You should say:

what the app is

how long you have used it

what it is used for

and explain why you think it is useful.

Sample answer:

Well, there is one app in my iPad that I use it on a daily basis. It is called Runtastic, built to help people track sports and fitness activities, such as running, jogging, biking and walking. I got this app one year ago, and actually was recommended by Apple Store that put it in the front page. Every night, before I sleep, I will do a series of physical exercises with my iPad, and the app will track all my progress and save my results in the website.

What makes the app so useful is that not only it has the physical exercises for me, but it also has several methods to encourage and motivate me to insist. You know, doing workouts everyday is really a boring job, and the app will remind me to continue my plan at the appropriate time and all my work will be shared in the social network, which will attract my friends to encourage me, too. In addition, the app will make a variety of statistic charts to show how many calories I have consumed for a period of time, and moreover, I can check whether I have lost my weight, which is a very practical function.



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