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9月雅思口语p2范文答案:good news that you received

2016年09月23日16:58 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(6) 阅读(9487)
摘要:一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,本文给大家带来的话题是:Describe a piece of good news that you received 赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。​

小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季各部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是part2话题:“Describe a piece of good news that you received 一则好消息”的范文,9-12月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

9月雅思口语p2范文答案:good news that you received图1


Describe a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it

and explain why you think it was good news

sample answer:

After I finished my graduation, I applied for 2-3 jobs and faced the interviews in these companies. One day I got a phone call from one of the companies from the HR department and the caller confirmed that I was hired for the job I applied for. This was a very exciting and good news for me as I was expecting to start a job so eagerly.

I did not know the person who called me at that time but later I found that he was the head of the human resources department of the company and his name was Kane. I heard it in (…say a year i.g. 2004…) and it was probably June.

My parents and relatives wanted me to get involved in a job right after my graduation and I felt the same. Some of my classmates were already doing jobs and I thought I should start a job as well. After I got the job confirmation call, I was very excited and happy. The first job confirmation in my opinion is very significant and exhilarating and I felt no less. I was so happy that I instantly confirmed that I’d be joining the job from the next week. Then I shared the news with my parents and sisters and they were very happy as we.



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