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1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:equipment in your home

2016年12月15日15:22 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(4) 阅读(6766)
摘要:给大家带来2017年1月变题季雅思口语Part2话题重点预测的a piece of equipment in your home原创高分范文,供所有的新年烤鸭参考,不过,给大家的参考范文并不建议大家照背照搬,希望大家活学活用,毕竟千篇一律的答案是绝对不受考官待见的。


1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:equipment in your home图1



Describe a piece of equipment in your home

You should say:

what it is

how often you use it

who you usually use it with and explain why this item is important to you.


Have (the item you chose to talk about) changed much over the years?

Do you think that (the item you chose to talk about) are important to society? (How?)

Do you think everyone needs to know how to use the item you chose to talk about? What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home, besides the telephone and computer?

What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are used for communication?


I am describing my laptop as it is the equipment I often use at home. It is a black coloured laptop by Toshiba brand and I bought it almost five years ago.

This electronic device has helped me in many aspects, including work, study and communication. The first important usage is saving data. I can save numerous e-books, pictures, audio and video clips in it, and the 500GB hardware capacity has allowed me to save plenty of them. Moreover, I can access the Internet using this laptop. By connecting to the Internet I can access every website, check my email and watch online movies or documentaries, like National Geographic documentaries, which has extremely been useful to improve my listening and speaking.

Lastly, definitely, this device has been very useful to my profession. By its camera, I can save different important information related to my job and use them as I need to access them in few seconds. So, this laptop has assisted me to raise my knowledge not only in my career and study but also in learning the English language.

I have already become dependent on my laptop. Maybe I will replace it with a new one but a laptop would always be mandatory for me.

I rely on my laptop for my personal, professional and study needs. I communicate others with this laptop and this is the primary means of communication with my friends. Definitely, the use of internet and computer has become unavoidable in this modern era and this is indeed a very important tool for me.



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