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雅思口语话题范文最喜欢的衣服:Describe your favorite piece of clothing

2017年11月17日15:18 来源:小站整理作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(3) 阅读(34518)
摘要:本期带来三个版本的雅思口语part2范文:最喜欢的衣服:Describe your favorite piece of clothing,其中1篇范文来自前雅思考官Simon,2篇来自老外原创,范文有关防雨外套,紫色衬衣和牛仔衬衫,内容用词地道,表达自然流畅,普遍适用于各类考生。

本期奉上雅思口语话题题库part2范文:最喜欢的衣服(Describe your favorite piece of clothing),范文共有3个版本,话题范文有来自前雅思考官Simon的防水外套,更有2位老外原创口语话题范文,还不速来围观,相信总有一款适合你。友情提示:考生应该尽量避免传统的背诵套句或者是模版的口语学习方式,去学习口语范文中地道的词组搭配以及英美人士的思维方式,更加关注词组和逻辑思维两个层面。另外,就是要从扣题角度出发,看优秀范文如何从扣题的方面来展开口语话题。红色文字链接,查看范文详情。


雅思口语话题范文最喜欢的衣服:Describe your favorite piece of clothing图1

Describe your favorite piece of clothing

You should say:

What it looks like

Where did you get it

Why do you like it

And when do you wear it

版本1前雅思考官Simon 版:蓝色防雨外套☜戳左可入


范文分析:I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I knew which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was delivered to my house a few days later.

高分语料:I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder.这句话的时间状语从句运用自然而流畅,看似简单但想要在考场上流畅地表达并不容易。

版本2native speaker 1版:紫色速干衬衣☜戳左可入

native speaker Mary为大家带来的话题是:一款出游的旅行用的运动型速干衬衣,简单而舒适,热爱运动的同学对这款衬衣一定会爱不释手。

范文分析:I bought the shirt online ahead of travelling to South East Asia. It was just coming out of winter in the UK, but I’d be going to a hot climate. I wanted something lightweight and comfortable to take with me. It was the wrong time of year to be browsing shops in England, they were all still full of winter clothes, so I just had to trust the description on the site that this would be a good buy, but I was nervous in case it didn’t fit or wasn’t practical. I shouldn’t have worried.

高分语料:It was the wrong time of year to be browsing shops in England, they were all still full of winter clothes, so I just had to trust the description on the site that this would be a good buy, but I was nervous in case it didn’t fit or wasn’t practical. 故事性的表述非常考验考生的口头表达时的时态和逻辑能力,大家可以挑战一下自己,模仿这段表述,7分不是问题。

版本3native speaker 2版:牛仔衬衫☜戳左可入


范文分析:Jeans are common clothing items and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age. I wear jeans pant and shirt always even when I attend in any formal occasion. The most important benefit of wearing jeans clothing is that they do not become dirty as easily as the other types of clothes do. Moreover, you can have the pant and shirt of all size and shape and are sold at a reasonable price. They are found in different colours and attractive designs too. It makes the look smarter in some cases than the formal attires.

高分语料:Jeans are common clothing items and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age. 这句表达流量并且信息量丰富,牛仔服的两大特点:common和be available,并且点出了广受年轻人喜爱。



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