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雅思口语题库话题参考范文之:大公司(a company or organization that employs a lot of people)

2017年12月13日11:41 来源:小站整理
参与(2) 阅读(10154)
摘要:为烤鸭带来雅思口语题库话题:大公司(a company or organization that employs a lot of people)。主题为微软公司,范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。文末附高分口语语料,助攻口语提分,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。

为大家带来雅思口语part2事件类话题范文:大公司(a company or organization that employs a lot of people)。范文由高分考生原创,内容有关微软,现在世界上大多数的个人电脑都运行在Windows操作系统,我相信微软公司是一家非常成功的公司在雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。友情提示,范文仅作参考,口语提分关键还是多积累,勤加练习。话不多说,范文自取:

Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people

You should say:

What it is

How big is it

How many employees work there

And explain what you think about it


雅思口语题库话题参考范文之:大公司(a company or organization that employs a lot of people)图1





A good number of successful companies are available across the world but none of them is as enriched as Microsoft Corporation. This is a big software company and it employs a lot of people.

Microsoft Corporation mostly deals with technological issues. The majority of the personal computers in the world now run with Windows operating system. This is the greatest invention of this company. Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication. Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry. The corporation is skilled in producing computer software and sells them at a reasonable rate. It also comes up with some other services like mobile phones and digital service market. The computer also started producing personal computers for the users, tablet computers and more. Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.

I believe Microsoft Corporation is a very successful company so far after its initiation. In fact, it has no noteworthy competitors in the market. It has happened for its specially made software and their unique features. The company is successful in almost every term. The services are unique and the users are satisfied with the software quality.

Furthermore, the corporation has always tried to bring the products in a user-friendly environment. Anyone can use the personal computers without experiencing any sort of troubles. Besides, the products are exceptionally simple and easy to use. But there are some complexities with some other operating system like Linux or Mac. So, I think this is a successful company and it is for the exceptional strategies.


地道用词:A good number of

a wide number of

run with Windows operating system

virtual networking and communication


comes up with

Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry.

高分句型:Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.

Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication.




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