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雅思口语题库话题范文之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方)

2018年01月25日14:57 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文为雅思口语part2题库话题范文汇总之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方),带来多篇优质口语参考范文,内容有关曼哈顿的唐人街,范文普遍适用于各类考生,篇篇精彩,助你口语花式提分,速速收藏起来。

本期为雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方),多篇口语参考范文助你备考雅思口语,爱生活,爱雅思,更爱自己。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。戳红色链接即可查看范文详情。

Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.

You should say

Where it was

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place


雅思口语题库话题范文之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方)图1

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The Chinatown is located in Manhattan in New York. This is one of the most crowded places in the country and a good number of people visit there. This is mostly a neighbourhood in Manhattan and surrounded by some other residential and commercial areas. This is also the home of Chinese people living in New York. It appears as a nice candidate task card for me. I will talk about this place in a brief.

I visited this place a couple of months ago. I went there to meet one of my Chinese mates and greet her on her birthday. She studies marketing with us at the university. It was difficult for me to seek out the location at the beginning. The entire area was crowded with lots of people and the majority of them were Chinese. They were speaking in their own language while some of them were speaking English as well. The shops and the sellers were interesting.

I went there with Jim, Silvia, Blake, David, and Rocky. In fact, we were invited to the birthday party of our Chinese friend Chunhua. She invited us to attend the party and after her demands, we went there. It was a trouble to find out the location. All the places appeared similar to us and getting the right holding was extremely difficult for us. But finally, we reached Chunhua’s place. It was a nice evening.

The feelings were mixed. In fact, it was the very first visit to any Chinese home. So, I could not think what to do or how to respond. Besides, travelling to the crowded place was another exciting event. I have not seen such a crowd before. People were everywhere and all of them were Chinese. At first, I was a bit anxious but gradually everything turned normal.




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