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2018年10月16日15:35 来源:小站整理
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1. Do you like being alone?

Yeah, I don’t mind being alone. I guess as long as it’s not, like, for a really long length of time, it’s fine. You know, it’s kind of um… I don’t really know how to put it, but I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxing being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflecton certain stuff. So um… yeah, I find it quite enjoyable, but if I’m alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing.



2. What do you do when you’re alone?

I would say, on the whole, I mainly like to read when I’m alone. That’s one of the things I most enjoy doing, you know, sitting down with a book. It’s just a really relaxing way to pass the time! And apart from that, um.. what else do I like doing on my own…? Uh… Sometimes I might watch a bit of TV, because if it’s too quiet around me it can feel a bit discomforting, if you know what I mean, it just adds to the loneliness. So if I’ve got the TV on, it feels kind of nice having some sound around me, which in a way, gets rid of the loneliness to some extent.


3. Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or just stay at home alone?

Um… thinking about it, I’d say I generally prefer to spend time with my friends, simply because I always have a good time whenever I’m with them. But that’s not to say I don’t like being on my own at home, it’s just that it’s not as fun! You know, I’m quite a sociable person by nature, so I tend to preferbeing in the company of others.


4. When was the last time you were alone?

Um… I suppose it really depends for how long. Because I mean, pretty much every day I’m alone for some parts of the day, although it may just be for a very short period of time. But um…let me see……the last time I was alone was yesterday in fact, when I was doing some reading in my room. And I was on my own for about two or three hours or so.




as long as……, it’s fine – 只要……就行

a long length of time= a long period of time

I don’t really know how to put it, - 我不知道怎样表达

I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is …… - 我想说的基本上就是……

Ponder - 沉思

reflect - 反思

it can get quite depressing– 会令我沮丧

pretty much every day – 差不多每天

…or so – 左右

I generally prefer… – 我一般更喜欢…

But that’s not to say… - 但这并不是说…

Sociable - 好交际的

By nature - 天生地, 就其本质而言

being in the company of others= being with others, 跟别人在一起

on the whole – 总的来说

discomforting -令人不安的

gets rid of -去掉





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