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2023年08月14日15:35 来源:小站整理
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题目:Nowadays, more and more people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Some people think that the traditional skill of letter writing will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


As technology continues to advance, the way we communicate has drastically changed. The dominant use of mobile phones and computers for communication has led some people to believe that the traditional skill of letter writing will eventually die out completely. While I acknowledge the decline in letter writing, I disagree that it will completely disappear.

It is undeniable that the convenience and efficiency of electronic communication have greatly overshadowed the practice of letter writing. With just a few taps on our phones, we can send instant messages, emails, or make video calls to anyone in the world. This instantaneous form of communication has become the norm in our fast-paced society. Consequently, the number of people writing physical letters has significantly decreased and will likely continue to decline.

However, despite the decline, there are still several reasons why letter writing will persist. Firstly, letter writing holds sentimental and emotional value. The physical act of writing a letter on paper allows individuals to express themselves in a more personal and intimate way. The recipient of a handwritten letter can feel the time and effort invested in its creation, which adds a special touch to the communication process. Letters can also serve as cherished mementos, preserving memories and emotions that electronic messages cannot replicate.

Secondly, letter writing offers a sense of authenticity and permanence that electronic communication lacks. With the prevalence of digital communication, it has become easy to overlook or delete messages without much thought. However, physical letters require tangible effort and often become keepsakes. They can be re-read, shared, and passed down through generations, creating a lasting connection between individuals.

Moreover, letter writing encourages thoughtfulness and reflection. Unlike the quick responses in electronic communication, letter writing allows individuals to carefully select their words, reflecting on the recipient and the message they want to convey. This promotes a deeper level of engagement and can foster more meaningful relationships.

In conclusion, while it is evident that letter writing has declined due to the popularity of mobile phones and computers, I believe it will not disappear completely. The sentimental value, authenticity, and thoughtful nature of letter writing will ensure its endurance as a unique and cherished form of communication. Electronic communication may dominate the present, but the traditional skill of letter writing will continue to be valued and preserved by those who appreciate its beauty and personal touch.



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