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雅思口语话题精讲:part 2话题之儿时的淘气行为

雅思口语话题精讲:part 2 儿时的淘气行为




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2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹



小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类


P2 Describe something naughty you did when you were a child.You should say:when you did it

what you did

why you did it

and explain how your parents felt about what you did.

when you did it

Generally, I’m born to bea quiet andwell-behavedgirl. But who didn’t do something naughty when he or she was a kid? Till now I can still remember one thing I did when I was a primary student.

born to be 生来就是

well-behaved 听话的,表现乖巧的

what you did& why you did it

I used to have serious toothache. And just because of my decayed tooth, my mom completely prohibited me from takingany sugar. At that time I really envied my classmate who can eat lollipopsor chocolates. One day after class my best friend gave me a candy which was said to be of power and magic. Cause my mom came to pick me upsoon, I had no time to taste it. So I had to hide it inside my fist and in the end I selected to taste it when I went to bed. I never know the meaning of its name, theLittle Devil. The next day morning, when I brushed my tooth, I was suddenly shocked for my tongue was totally green.

· decayed tooth 蛀牙

· completely prohibited me from taking any sugar 严禁我吃任何糖

· envy sb. 羡慕某人

· lollipop 棒棒糖

· pick me up 来接我走

· fist 拳头

· the Little Devil 小魔鬼(小时候一种糖)

and explain how your parents felt about what you did.

Then I cried out so that drew my mom’s attention. She astonished as if I was eat something poisonous last supper and she decided to take me to the hospital. At last, I realized that it’s a kind of candy that full of pigmentto change the basic red color of your tongue. It sounds can be embarrassing funny, and a little bit stupid.

· poisonous 有毒的
· pigment 色素
· embarrassing funny 尴尬又搞笑

其它素材taking fluoride tablets(吃氟化药片)

I remember this fondly(天真地): When I was in kindergarten I remember having to take fluoride tablets. I hated them! So when our teacher gave them to us to take I hid mine in the kid's desk next to me. I did this for quite a long time until the kid found a bunch of (一堆)the tablets in his desk and told the teacher. He was accused of (因为……被批评)not taking his fluoride. Poor kid. The teachers eventually found out it was me. I don't remember them saying anything to me but they told my parents in a parent/teacher conference(家长会). My parents asked me about it and of course I denied it as the little kid I was. After that when we had to take our fluoride the teachers gave it to us and watched us one by one take our fluoride and then made us open our mouths to prove that we chewed(咀嚼)it up and swallowed(吞咽). I laugh when I think about it today.

Other words to describe what u did

· naïve 天真的

· childish 幼稚的,孩子气的

· innocent 天真无邪的,无知的

· dewy-eyed 容易相信的

· be curious about 对……感到好奇

· troublemaker捣乱者,惹麻烦的人

· sprite 精灵,调皮鬼

【雅思口语技巧】先声夺人 如何在口语身份确认中博得考官好感?