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雅思口语话题精讲:part 2 去过的一个音乐厅





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小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类

P2.Describe a theatre or music hall that you have seen or been to

You should say:

where it is

what kind of music is performed there

why people go there

and explain your impressions of this place


where it is(简单交代)

what kind of music is performed there(简单交代)

why people go there(简单交代)

and explain your impressions of this place(重点描述)

When I was in Shanghai last spring, I had some extra time one day and went to the Shanghai Concert Hall. It was time very well spent.

Built in 1930, the 78-year-old building is located on the central of downtown and is a typical classical architecture in a European style. The theater’s classical European architecture makes it one of the most famous architectural and cultural heritages sites in Shanghai. Music performed here is usually 'classical' music, although there are exceptions.

The acoustics are so fantastic that many world-famous artists have been attracted to perform in this hall, including violinistsmaestro Isaac Stern, Salvatore Accardo, Choliang Lin and cellists Yoyo Ma; pianists Alieda de Larrocha, FU Chong, YING Chunzhong as well as the Philadelphia Chamber Orchestra and many others have given high appraisals after giving their successful concerts here.

I was very impressed by the atmosphere and intimacyof the hall. The sound is clear, full-bodied, and clean for every vocal part and the mix is perfect. Even without microphones, every one of the nearly 2,000 members in the audience could hear the speech given by conductor. With its stunning architecture, advanced facilities and modern management, the center will be the crowning jewel of Shanghai's many performing venues. Not to be missed!!!

architectural: a. 建筑的、建筑学的、建筑术的

heritage: n. 遗产、继承物

acoustic: a. 美声的、听觉的、音感教育、音响学的

violinist: n. 小提琴家

pianist: n. 钢琴家

appraisal: n. 估计、估量、评价

intimacy: n. 亲昵的言行、熟悉、亲密接触

full-bodied: a. 醇厚的、魁梧的、浓郁的

vocal: a. 声音的

stunning: a. 足以使人晕倒的、【口】极好的


Where it is?

The Shanghai Concert Hall is located in a park between People's Square and the shopping street of Huaihai Lu - when I first came to Shanghai, I lived just around the corner.

What kind of music is performed there?

Built in 1930 and originally called the Nanking Theatre, this concert hall holds regular concert mainly from international music troupes.

Why people go there?

The project cost 150 million yuan (18.1 million US dollars) and is the largest among similar endeavors made by the east China metropolis.

Many widely known musical celebrities such as conductor Tang Muhai and Zhang Guohai started their careers here.

It echoes from the ghosts of many many many great artists who performed there

And explain your impressions of this place?

The concert hall is decorated with marble pillars, Roman chandeliers and other architectural designs.

Sixteen huge marble pillars are seen when audiences step into the lobby, and the front hall is deliberately ornamented with elegant patterns of slightly solemnized color, which is very much in harmony with the music played inside.

Most notably, there's a large television jumbotron on a nearby building. It plays commercials, and there's speakers lying about to play the commercial's sound at night. Kind of annoying, really.

【雅思口语技巧】先声夺人 如何在口语身份确认中博得考官好感?