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这次讲的是一道事件类热点题“善意的谎言”。到底怎么样的谎言才需要被掩盖?怎么样的谎言才算数善意的谎言呢?小站名师就在此给出大家针对这个问题的相关part 2&3的答案参考,帮助考生在短时间内客服对新题的准备不足的恐惧。




考前突击:雅思口语part 1新题补充及问题答案(汇总)


2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹



小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类

事件类热点题,新题(part 2&3)

• Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth.

You should say

What the situation was?

Who was involved?

Why they didn’t tell you the whole truth?

And explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole truth.

Sample answer:

I can still recall the memory of my dad’s face. It was an empty face, a face that is filled with fear and sorrow, which I will ever forget. I remember it was in 2002 and I was I still in the primary school, you know my granddad always picks me up after school, but that day he doesn’t show up. My dad came with a downcast face and told me that my granddad wasn’t feeling good so he came instead. I kept asking what was really happening but he just didn’t reply me. You know, I grew up with my grandparents and was especially affectionate for my grandfather, so I was feeling really anxious and uncomfortable for a few days with my grandfather’s absence in my daily life. The truth is that my grandfather caught a heart attack and was super endangered in the ICU. After a few days my parents took me to the hospital and I found my grandfather was almost unconscious and in coma. I barely could do anything to make him notice me and I got even my frustrated and start to blame my parents by keeping me in shadow of the fact. A week later, my grandfather passed away silently, without even taking a glance at me or speak with me. I just lost him. This unprecedented loss became my year’s long regret and deep inside of me I do fault my parent to some extent. But after many years I realize that the reason why they doing so was for the good sake of protecting me from being innocent and being happy. My grandfather left us peacefully and even wearing a smile on his face. I thought I was just the beginning of another journey and I feel extremely grateful for my parents cuz they didn’t let me go through this painful course of losing an beloved family member and spend a joyful and innocent childhood.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of telling lies?

I think it depends, if is a lie for the good sake, I think it could comfort and help people from think negatively, but if it’s an intentional lie that belied the truth and did wrong to people, I don’t think it will do any help to others

• What are the impact of technology on truth?

I think we should regard the technology on truth in a totally objective angle. Although it will help the police to tackle with a tough case and make the suspects confess and hand themselves in but it is indeed against the free will of human beings, which if is massively adopted by people, will surely cast a shadow on the privacy and secret infos.

【雅思口语技巧】先声夺人 如何在口语身份确认中博得考官好感?