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9月雅思口语新题精解:a street you like to visit

一步一步 走进陌生的街头  一草一木 尽是新鲜的脸孔  每一个笑容 都好像在对我招手——陈小春《人情味》。今天给大家带来的是雅思口语新题是:describe a street you  like to visit。另外,小站老师精心搜集的关于street的口语素材,可直接点击此处查看


这是一个应该人人有话说的题目,不就是一条你喜欢去的街嘛。我想,稍稍加点演绎,都可以讲出这么一条有故事有味道的街。一般来说,我们可以扮成吃货(foodie),然后那条街是一条美食街(food street);或者我们是喜欢历史的有地方特色的玩意儿(gismo/souvenir),然后那条街是一条老街(old street);再或者,我们是一群爱读书的书迷(book buff),然后那条街是一条书店街(street of bookstore);如何再俗一点,就纯粹的一条步行街(pedestrian street),我们就是一群购物狂(shopaholic)。这是在讲如何确定话题的中心 。

第二点,雅思口语中很关键的,是要讲细节。如本文中示例答案中对pao mo(泡馍)的解释(which is a noodle dish which the tough "bread" was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli)。细节不用多,一两个就够了。对细节的描述是最好地展现你的口语功底之处,也就是你要冲7分很关键的一环。

第三点,同样是画龙点睛的一笔,就是你的情感或者说情怀,需要在最后清晰感人地表达出来。你既然在众多的候选事物中选择了这一个作描述,那么,肯定是有一些除了好吃,好玩,好看之外的原因。所以,稍稍将你的描述物进行一个拔高,给它一点内涵,讲述下它对你而言最本质的地方。从而对考官形成较大程度的杀伤。如本例:The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.


I am a huge foodie and little traveler. During my not-so-memorable travel record, the muslin street stands out as a mecca for food lover like me.

the Muslim street (which are called huimin jie in Chinese) is located at the heart of ancient city of Xian in northern China, and I once spent 3 three days there to explore all the great street food and other stuff there. Right after passing through the archways of magnificent Bell and Drum Tower, you will be amazed by the scene there, though it is not so clean and tidy sometimes. Technically speaking it should be called Muslim streets, because it is actually a series of several different streets that all have a distinct feel, but all are home to twenty thousand strong Islamic followers, who still maintained their pious and traditional lifestyle nowadays.

Among them, the renowned Beiyuanmen (北院门) Islamic Street is a great place for Muslim snack lovers. You can sample a lot of authentic Islamic specialties, like beef or mutton Rou Jia Mo (肉夹馍) which looks like a hamburger, northwestern style noodles, and Pao Mo (泡馍) which is a noodle dish which the tough "bread" was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli, as well as many, many other attractive snacks that will not make you disappointed. The restaurants and eateries here are serving their food in budget prices.

In addition to the great food, Islamic architecture and majestic scenes, beautiful handicrafts like paper-cutting, little dolls and lots of curious souvenirs are worth to see, and I bought a few as gift for my friends. they are dearly loved as far as I know.

The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.
