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fusion wedding 融合式婚礼

wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

bangquet dinner 盛大宴席

wedding anniversary结婚纪念日

bride 新娘

bridegroom or groom新郎


honeymoon 蜜月

wedding planning 婚礼策划

wedding gown 婚纱

tuxedo 新郎的西装

red envelope 红包

present tea 敬茶

良辰吉日 an auspicious date and time

新人 the newlyweds

主婚人 marriage officiant

花束 bouquet 玫瑰花瓣 rose petal

婚礼中的走红毯 wedding procession

In some traditions, one or more children carry bouquets or drop rose petals in front of the bride in the wedding procession.


In late September, Sheng Zuxing and her fiance Zhang Ping married in front of about 60 guests in Tianjin, a port city southeast of Beijing.

Like many Western weddings, Sheng wore a flowing white gown, had a ring bearer and a bridesmaid, and hired a wedding planner — traditions that a decade ago, were mostly unseen in the Middle Kingdom.

The couple also incorporated traditional Chinese elements, such as receiving hongbao (red envelopes filled with money) from guests, setting off firecrackers as they arrived at the wedding venue. They kept another very popular traditional element — not allowing the groom to see his bride until he gave “bribes” to the bride’s relatives, and answered questions from her such as where they first met and where they ate their first meal together.

What’s more, China has put its own mark on some Western traditions, such as the photo shoot. Unlike Western weddings, where brides and grooms take pictures on the day of the wedding, it’s popular for couples in China to pay for day-long photo sessions — sometimes in different countries — prior to the ceremony.

While Western wedding traditions, such as having a bridal party, are working their way into Chinese ceremonies, there are still traditions that remain decidedly Chinese.

Instead of a gift list, Chinese couples prefer hongbao and venue availability doesn’t dictate wedding dates. Rather, Chinese couples will still choose an auspicious date — often by enlisting the help of a fortune-teller — regardless of if the day is a Monday or a Saturday.The time of a wedding also differs; in northern China, most weddings are morning affairs that are done by noon, while south of Shanghai weddings tend to take place in the afternoon and evening.

Every bride in China wants to walk down an aisle in a white dress,Brides are inspired by what they see in the West.

As Sheng left the restaurant at her wedding, where her guests dined on plate after plate of fish, ribs, vegetables and soup, she wore her third dress of the day, a flowing red tulle skirt with a traditional qipao top. “I’m very happy,” she said as she looked at the new ring on her finger. “It was so beautiful.”


At traditional Chinese weddings, the tea ceremony is the equivalent of an exchange of vows at a Western wedding ceremony. This ritual is still practiced widely among rural Chinese, however young people in larger cities, as well as in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, tend to practice a combination of Western style of marriage together with the Tea Ceremony.

When the bride leaves her home with the groom to his house, a "Good Luck Woman" will hold a red umbrella over her head, meaning "raise the bark, spread the leaves." This "good luck woman" should be someone who is blessed with a good marriage, healthy children and husband and living parents. Other relatives will scatter rice, red bean and green bean in front of her. The red umbrella protects the bride from evil spirit, and the rice and beans are to attract the attention of the gold chicken.[citation needed]

Newlyweds kneel in front of parents presenting tea. A Good Luck Woman making the tea says auspicious phrases to bless the family. Newlyweds also present tea to each other, raising the tea cups high to show respect before presenting to each other.

Those who receive the tea usually give the bride gifts such as jewelry or red envelope.

Tea Ceremony is an official ritual to introduce the newlyweds to each other's family, and it's a way for newlyweds to show respect and appreciation to their parents. The newlyweds kneel in front of their parents, serving tea to both side of parents, as well as elder close relatives. Parents give their words of blessing and gifts to the newlyweds. During tea presentation, a "Good Luck Woman" would say auspicious phrases to bless the newlyweds and the parents. These auspicious words of blessing are designed to bless and amuse the family and make the occasion filled with fun and joy.


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