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1. only 219——字数不够

2. address all parts of the prompt——回答完问题

3. presents a relevant position——立场相关(没有跑题)

4. ideas could be more fully extended——理由可以更充分

5. arranged coherently——信息连贯

6. a clear overall progression——总体论证清晰

7. the vocabulary is generally adequate and appropriate——词汇基本够用且基本准确

8. meaning is generally clear——表意基本清楚

9. fairly frequent errors——语法错误频繁

10. rarely impede communication——很少阻碍交流

11. grammar and punctuation are fairly well controlled语法和标点控制得当

以上评语全部总结下来可以说两个字——“generally clear”,而同样水平的文章在剑5的年代还是可以拿到6分的,具体内容请鸭鸭们参考剑5书后P167页范文可知。我们似乎可以得出这样的结论:现在的雅思写作评分比原来苛刻0.5分,而这0.5分正是我们以上提到的难以逾越的那一部分鸿沟,虽然渺小但是非常致命。


1. 二百五十字数饱——胡编乱造不讨巧

2. 完整回答不能少——具体展开提纲好

3. 立场鲜明不跑题——题干中把关键找

4. 充分论证不可少——原因解释和例子

5. 信息连贯很重要——句与句间连词好

6. 段落完整有必要——先思考完再落笔

7. 用词准确又灵活——老外范文不可少

8. 表达意图需明确——句子翻译勤练习

9. 减少错误6分保——老师指导效果好

10. 文章读懂无障碍——伙伴评价办法好

11. 标点问题不算大——没有障碍是最好


Museums are unique places where you get to experience the history from past to the latest technology. However, admission is required when entering.

Museums are popular places to go to on a weekends with family or friends. Admissions(“入场费”不可数) are one of the funds which keeps(keep) the museum running and also to maintain its exibits(exhibits:“h”不发音). Without admission museums would be dirty, pourly(pooly) maintained, and likely impossible to operate, unless funded from goverment(gover“n”ment=govern+ment) or charity.

However admissions are (不可数admission is)one thing which may keep the customer(+s复数) from entering. Usually we have to pay around $30 for admissions(去掉s). Children or family which doesn’t earn much simply can not(cannot无空格) afford such (+an) amount. They will go to museum which is free or even not go and experience the greatness of the museum, which I think is horrible because it should be open for everyone.

I think having an(去掉) admission is a disadvantage since museums should be open for everyone, but admissions are essential for running the museums. So I think it is very important to come up with a plan so that museums could (+not only)be operated but also be admission free(?表意不清), such as goverment funding or doing a charity(为保持结构一致,改成charity donating). Auckland Museum is one great example. It is one of the biggest museums in New Zealand but it is also free of admission since it’s(its) government funded.

