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雅思作文建房子和种树话题 怎么写 能得高分

2023年09月15日10:37 来源:小站整理
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摘要:雅思作文建房子和种树话题 怎么写 能得高分


Topic: Should the government invest in building more houses or planting more trees? [政府应该投资建设更多的房屋还是种植更多的树木?]


  1. 准确把握题目要求,清晰阐述自己的观点。
  2. 针对论点进行充分论述,运用相关论据支持自己的观点。
  3. 合理安排文章结构,做到条理清晰、逻辑性强。
  4. 语言表达准确、流畅,避免语法错误和拼写错误等。

My viewpoint is that the government should give priority to planting more trees rather than building more houses.

Firstly, trees serve numerous environmental advantages. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Trees also help to prevent soil erosion and provide habitats for wildlife. In addition, trees provide important ecological services that help to maintain the balance of the natural environment.

In contrast, houses consume a lot of resources and can cause environmental damage. Building houses requires large amounts of materials such as cement and steel, which have a high environmental impact during production. Additionally, houses often cover up natural landscapes and remove habitats, further damaging the environment.

Moreover, planting trees can help to address the climate change crisis. With the global temperature rising and natural disasters becoming more frequent, our planet needs more trees to help regulate the Earth's temperature and reduce the impact of climate change. By planting trees, the government is not only protecting the environment but also safeguarding our future generations.

Of course, people need houses for shelter and privacy, but this does not mean that we have to sacrifice our environment to build more houses. We can use sustainable building methods and materials to minimise the environmental impact of housing construction. For example, using recycled materials, green roofs, and energy-efficient technologies can help to reduce the carbon footprint of houses.

In conclusion, the government should prioritise planting more trees over building more houses. Trees provide crucial environmental benefits that help to maintain the balance of our natural environment, address the climate change crisis, and safeguard our future generations. While housing is important, we need to find a balance between meeting people's needs and protecting the environment.



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