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题型1 话题分类:政府投资类 属性:大范围重点预测

教育资金是否只应该投给科学型项目 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government ...
教育资金是否只应该投给科学型项目 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
1. 投资科学研究应该优于其他学科,因为新科技的发明和突破是我们今天社会前进的根本驱动力。举例,如果没有对医学方面的投资,则新的药品,疫苗,诊断技术,医学设备都不会诞生。同样的,给我们生活带来便利和舒适的家电,如冰箱,电视,洗衣机,也都来自长期地科学研究。 2. 然而,其他不那么实用的学科仍然有投资的必要。举例,数学,这个标准的理论性学科,是必须给予资金支持的,因为它是其他实用性学科的基础,如计算机,生物工程,化学等等。正是数学的突破给这些学科提供了新的理论,公式,数学模型和测试。 3. 此外,文学学科的重要性在于,它们把学生培养成了合格的社会公民。举例,通过学习历史和哲学,学生能学会基本的道德,民主和社会规范,以及对于本土文化的热爱
Now, it is widely held that in terms of the confined scientific funding, the government should give priorities to research for "hard sciences" over "soft sciences". Personally, I think this assertion fails to grasp the values of these seemingly less fruitful subjects, and my reasons would be listed as below. Admittedly, there is a necessity for the government to keep the primary investment into scientific research, for whose breakthroughs can make practical contributions to our society. To begin with, with more financial aid from the government to be used in the medical research, human beings will profit much from it. Indeed, a new breed of medicine needs to be experimented many times prior to being introduced to and benefiting us. Without money, experiments are hard to be proceeded. In addition, it is obvious that funds used in technology may contribute to the improvement of our living standard. For instance, the inventions o
高等教育的学费支付办法 Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs of higher education are paid by the government; all costs are pa...
高等教育的学费支付办法 Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs of higher education are paid by the government; all costs are paid by the student; all costs are paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the benefits of these ways and which one is the best?
1. 第一种方案的好处:大学学费全部由政府承担能普及大学教育,这能让每一个年轻人都获取专业知识,技能,以及法律观念,最终能提高社会生产力,并且让社会变得更文明和守法。 2. 第二种方案的好处:大学学费完全由学生负担能限制大学的学生数量,这确保了大学教育的质量,比如说更少的师生比率,更小的班级上课,以及一个安静的校园。 3. 第三种方案的好处:提供学生学费贷款能为年轻人提供一条进入大学的途径。同时,还贷款的压力为这些年轻人提供了动力来努力学习。这样他们才能在毕业后找到好的工作来还钱。
Who should shoulder the responsibility of paying for the higher education, the government or the student? Three possible ways for this social issue are proposed. Personally, I believe the best resolution is the third one that allows a student to borrow the loan from the government and repay it after graduation, and my reasons will be displayed as below. The main benefit from the first plan is about the improvement of qualities among the public. The full payment of government for schooling fees makes university education universally available to all individuals, both rich and poor. That is to say, every citizen can be well educated and equipped with professional knowledge, skills, advanced technologies, as well as the concepts about social laws, rules and morality. With these abilities and virtues, these graduates will enhance the social productivity, the creativity in jobs, and make the community gen
富国该如何帮助穷国 Developing countries require help offered by international organization to ensure healthy and sustainable development. S...
富国该如何帮助穷国 Developing countries require help offered by international organization to ensure healthy and sustainable development. Some people think that financial aid is important. Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
1. 确保政府的运行,恢复银行业务以及对于企业的贷款。 2. 金钱是最灵活的援助,它能满足不同国家的一切需求,因为它能进行购买,而实际的援助很多情况下可能不是穷国所真正需要的。举例,给越南大米没有用,它不缺粮食,它的大米可以自给自足,甚至可以出口。 经济援助的风险: 1. 缺乏监管,金钱可能被穷国的官僚贪污。 2. 会被用于打内战,这加剧了平穷。 3. 金钱无法买来一切,比如说各个行业的人才,教师,医生,还有各种相关的知识,技能和经验。
What kinds of relief from rich countries should be given priority in terms of supporting developing countries? Some people think the best resolution of this issue is simply money. Others, however, refute that other auxiliary measures, instead of finance, are a wiser decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and the supporting reasons will be presented as below. Firstly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay. With stable income, most officials would be satisfied and motivated to be fully in charge of social technical, executive and supervisory positions, thus lifting the community out of street violence and crimes. Besides, financial injection helps to restore the banking system. Accordingly, what the capital input brings includes vibrant industry and business, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare. Another reason for support
富国是否该帮助穷国 Rich countries provide financial aid to poor countries but this aid has little effect, therefore rich countries should p...
富国是否该帮助穷国 Rich countries provide financial aid to poor countries but this aid has little effect, therefore rich countries should provide other types of help. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
管自己的好处: 1. 国家的税收和资源都是基于国内大众,所以国家必须首先对国内问题负责,否则大众会认为遭到忽略和歧视,他们会推翻政府。 2. 国外问题太多,缺乏监管和法律,那些爱心捐款和物资有可能流入国外官僚的腰包,而没有起到救助国外穷人的初始目的。 3. 我们国内社会需要用钱的方面都已经太多,钱用自家都不够,捐助国外只会引起国内弱势群体的愤怒,增加社会犯罪类。 管他人的好处: 1. 很多国外的社会问题都是过去我们国家的某些行动导致的,如战争和侵略,所以我们因该对国外的贫穷负责。 2. 很多国外的问题最终会影响到我们的社会,比如说索马里海盗对于西方海运的威胁。 3. 很多国际问题是不分国界的,比如说国外的环境污染和疾病会通过自然渠道流入我们国内。
What kinds of relief from rich countries should be given priority in terms of supporting developing countries? Some people think the best resolution of this issue is simply money. Others, however, refute that other auxiliary measures, instead of finance, are a wiser decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and the supporting reasons will be presented as below. Firstly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay. With stable income, most officials would be satisfied and motivated to be fully in charge of social technical, executive and supervisory positions, thus lifting the community out of street violence and crimes. Besides, financial injection helps to restore the banking system. Accordingly, what the capital input brings includes vibrant industry and business, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare. Another reason for support
老百姓是否该上税 People believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. To what exte...
老百姓是否该上税 People believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
不应该交税: 1. 交税像一种剥削,这会降低员工对于工作的热情。 2. 税收的使用不透明,会被贪污或者乱用,比如郭美美。 3. 税收使用的不公平,真正获益的是那些无所事事的人,如丐帮和罪犯们。这是强迫努力工作的人为一无是处的家伙们买单。 应该交税: 1. 税收让政府能有序运转,这是社会管理的前提。 2. 税收确保了社会稳定,否则丐帮一旦造反,大家都活不了。 3. 税收促进了生活水平,比如说支撑了公交系统,学校,医院,运动场,公园等。
In contemporary society, what we finally own is usually less than what we initially earn due to the tax payment. As long as we make money, a certain percentage of our incomes should be rendered to the government. People grumbling about this rule propose that the system should be abolished, with whom I could hardly share the same cup of tea. Admittedly, it seems to be a little unfair considering that we cannot own all the money we earn. However, for the benefit of an individual in the long term, paying tax is reasonable and w
政府是否该为大众医疗买单 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the governmen...
政府是否该为大众医疗买单 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
国家医疗的好处1:一个免费的医疗系统有利于社会的稳定。如果只是富人能享受医疗,而穷人不停遭受疾病折磨的话,则社会犯罪和暴力就会增加。 国家医疗的好处2:这有利于降低医疗成本。私人公司做医疗都是为了赚钱。为了获取最高利益,它们会推荐,甚至强迫病患使用最昂贵的治疗方式和药物,这极大地增加了病人的经济负担。 国家医疗的坏处:这不利于大众保健。举例,一旦看病的费用是政府的公共税收承担,而不是私人的话,则太多的人会忽略健康问题,甚至会放弃锻炼。
What is the obligation of the government on social medical services? Some people believe the government should completely substitute the private companies by running the health-care system by itself. Personally, I partially concur with this assertion, and my reasons would be listed as below. Firstly, a universal health service run by the tax revenue of the government can cover all social classes, both the rich and the poor, which represents the human rights of all social individuals, and which is the precondition of social fairness and stability. In contrast, privatization of medical care leads to polarization of medical services. Only the affluent people will be able to derive its benefits, while poor people with non-affordability would be aban
慈善是应该只管国内,还是应该管管国外 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. O...
慈善是应该只管国内,还是应该管管国外 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Other people believe that charity organizations should concentrate on the people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
慈善国际化的理由1:公平性。帮助弱势群体是慈善的第一目标,这和受众人群的背景,宗族没有关系。此外,这能增加国与国直接的互信。举例,如果南韩能资助北韩来对付饥荒的话,则两个国家间将不再有对抗和战争。 慈善国际化的理由2:帮助穷国其实是帮助自己。举例,很多全球性问题是跨国界的,如疾病,污染,恐怖主义。它们源于穷国家的贫穷,却会很快地传播到富国境内。所以,给穷国家捐钱捐物捐药,其实也是保护了富国自身。
Charity organizations always play a pivotal role in helping people who live in sub-human conditions or impoverished countries. It is undeniable that charity organizations do a great deal for the less fortunate. However, people have mixed views about whether charity organizations should help their own country or other places. It is understandable that people from different backgrounds have disparate interpretations on the same issue. Firstly, there are main reasons approving of such cross-border charitable support .For one thing, it is based on humanitarianism that helps those who deserve to be assisted. That is to say everyone is equal to get the aid, regardless of their origin, race, and color. For another, these charitable activities can help to reduce the gap between rich and poor. Actua
奥运会举办利弊 Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that ...
奥运会举办利弊 Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.
好处: 1. 能促进主办地的设施现代化。举例,为了伺候奥运会,大规模的交通设施,公路,铁路会被要求改建和更新,这为整个城市带来了更高效的交运系统。。 2. 绝佳的机会来展示和传播主办国的文化,消除文化差异带来的误解,这增加了国家间的尊敬和信任。 3. 点燃大众运动热情,通过促进运动改善大众体质。 4. 奥运会刺激了经济。它会吸纳数百万人的观光,这拉动了内需,也创造了就业。 坏处: 1. 太烧钱,巨大的开销甚至会占用原本属于社会福利的税收,这降低了当地人的生活质量。 2. 很多场馆的用途过于单一和专业,奥运会之后它们不得不长期闲置,甚至被抛弃。 3. 安保工作一直是一大头疼事儿,举例,1972年的德国慕尼黑惨剧历历在目。
As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, the Olympic Games was held continuously in disparate regions in the past. Many people believe this sports tradition should remain, because of its positive impacts on the host country. However, others refute that it is unwise to spend the large amount of money on it. Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The first reason for supporting the Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities for the modernization of social infrastructure for a host city, which can leave a lasting heritage for the whole community. For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as an integration of land and air traffic. Therefore, contributions to this city the great sporting event made

题型2 话题分类:教育类 属性:大范围重点预测

制定课程靠政府还是老师The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers...
制定课程靠政府还是老师The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. Do you agree or disagree?
政府制定的必要性1:推广和普及基础教育。举例,必须在全国范围推广关于国语和社会公共法律的课程,这样能让每一个孩子都成为合格的社会公民,能够阅读,也能够守法。而个体老师则很可能安装自己的意愿来教导学生,他们可能教的是当地的语言,当地的宗教规则,这些和整个社会是不兼容的。 政府制定的必要性2:政府掌握着社会就业的数据,它知道社会需要哪些专业,不需要哪些专业。所以政府来制定教育的话,能保证学生学到的知识和技能是社会工作真正需要的。 老师制定的必要性:老师从来都战斗在教育第一线,他们更有经验,也更能了解学生的需求。举例,老师可以灵活的来改变和调整上课的内容和方法,目的是让每一个学生都能掌握这节课的知识。而政府则不不可能预测到这些具体学习上的问题。
Who should shoulder the responsibilities of determining the contents of subjects of school education? The government or the preceptors? This issue has been a heated social issue in debate. Personally, I believe the combination of them might be the best solution, and reasons will be expounded as below. Firstly, the government should make efforts in popularization of basic education, which ensures every child can grow up into a regular citizen. For example, it is very wise that the central government forces every elementary school to teach some compulsory subjects like official languages and state’s laws, for the general knowledge can shape all children of new generations, especially the ones in remote or religious areas, into standard people with common languages skills to read news and data in media, as well as law-abiding consciousness to distinguish the right from the wrong. On the contrary, a single teacher is untruthful. In many cases, a local teacher in a religious region prefers instill
大家喜欢探索家族历史的原因 In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families....
大家喜欢探索家族历史的原因 In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive or negative development?
1. 探索家族历史的直接动因是,在一个全球移民潮的大背景下,越来越多的人会远离家乡,住在一个新的文化环境之下。举例,在美国的亚洲移民后代会感觉他们和社会主流人群不一样,这就催生了他们的好奇心,想搞清楚自己的家族起源和身世背景。 2. 这样的做法同时带来了好处和坏处。首先,这有利于人民搞清楚家族有没有遗传病,并尽早进行防备和治疗。第二,对于那些移民二代们,了解了自己的身世和来历有利于他们找回自我肯定。 3. 当然,这也有可能带来麻烦。举例,如果美国黑人一天过于痴迷祖先的历史,他们就会发现他们的前辈们被白人奴役和折磨的血泪史。这样一来,他们对于白人,甚至是整个社会的愤怒和敌意就会点燃,这就是俗称的种族主义。
In the contemporary society, there is a tendency that more people have a desire to trace back their family history. Personally, I believe it is a natural response in an era of immigration, and its merits override the demerits. The main reason why people have a big motivation and curiosity in looking for the root of family is about the population movement in a deep globalization, which is called the thriving of immigration. For example, today, there are a large number of descendants of Asian migrators born and living in the America. In this society whose population mainly consists of white and black men, they gradually find that their physical characters like colors of skins, hairs and eyes are distinctive from their peers ar
学理科的学生人数减少的原因 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? W...
学理科的学生人数减少的原因 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? What're the effects on the society?
1. 原因如下:第一,第一是上学的成本。举例,理科的学费太贵,奖学金又太激烈,而且学生还需要购买电脑和相关软件,这对于很多学生而言无法负担。第二,难学也是阻碍学生选择理科的原因。举例,太多的抽象,复杂,隐晦的公式,远离,计算过程,让学生们产生严重的挫败感。还有,很多学生会在中途放弃学业,就是因为感觉无法通过高难度的期末考试。最后一点,就业困境。举例,科研为主的工作很不稳定,一旦出现经济下滑,公司亏损,项目取消,或是技术过时,那些工程师总是被裁员的第一目标。 2. 理科生人数下降会导致严重的社会问题。首先,公司和大学的很多科研项目将因为缺乏从业者而不得不停滞和取消。第二,各个机构和公司的管理会陷入混乱,因为它们无法雇佣到计算机专员来管理,维护和修复它们的电脑。第三,科研也会因为缺乏年轻人的加入而无法获得突破,因为老年人是缺乏创造力和质疑精神的。
Nowadays, there are fewer applications of high school graduates for science subjects in universities and colleges. In this essay, I will explore possible reasons and impacts of this trend on the society. Many reasons can explain why the population of students majoring science is shrinking. Firstly, Scientific subjects cost too much, and computer science is a typical example. High tuition fees, extra investment in devices and software for studying, in conjunction with the fierce competition in fellowships, make this subject too expensive to be affordable to many youngsters. Secondly, compared with arts subjects, the knowledge of Math, Physics and Chemistry are publicly hard to learn, because they contain t
学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the...
学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.
1. 学习历史无用,因为历史上的信息过于抽象,过时,对于今天的生活没有意义。举例,它无法教会孩子们实用技能,关于计算机,互联网,银行业务,做饭,以及急救。换句话说,后面这些的相关课程应该优于历史课被考虑,因为它们帮助学生管理日常生活。 2. 然而,学习历史是非常有益的。首先,历史经验和教训教会学生正确的社会价值观,道德,以及法律意识。此外,历史上伟大的人物事迹能鼓励年轻人勇敢面对今天的挑战。 3. 此外,学习历史培养了孩子们对于传统文化的热爱。历史是传统的记录者,从食物到衣服,从建筑到艺术品,从社会风俗到宗教仪式。学习这些知识让孩子们获取独特的文化身份。
These days, the passion of a fraction of people in studying history is declining, because they believe such knowledge is out of mode and impractical in modern society. In my view, this contention overlooks the irreplaceable values of learning history, and my reasons will be listed as below. Admittedly, the information in history is too theoretical, outmoded, abstract and purposeless to be applied in daily life of children. For example, no matter how proficient children are in remembering historical stories and people, they still have no idea about answers of how to use computer and the Internet, how to deal with banking business, or skills of cooking and first aids. Therefore, to this extent, it is reasonable to give the priority to those life-related subjects over history, because the form courses like computer, health care and economy are the main way of equipping ch
音乐课和体育课的重要性 Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers. Subjects such as music a...
音乐课和体育课的重要性 Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 主科的必要性:它们是孩子们整个教育生涯和职业生涯的基础。举例,数学课培养了孩子们基本的计算,分析和推导能力。它也为今后的各样大学专业,如计算机,工程,生物和化学提供了基础理论,公式,测试的模型等。 2. 但是,副科,如音乐和体育,绝对有存在的价值。首先,它们培养了孩子们的某些良好素质。举例,音乐课中的大合唱环节能培养孩子们的耐心,纪律性和适应性。同样,体育课中,孩子们会接受各种项目锻炼,如长跑,游泳,足球等,这培养了它们的体力,决心,信心,以及竞争精神和团队合作的意识。 3. 音乐课和体育课能帮助学生放松学习压力。举例,在繁重的学术学习,考试和各种任务之后,在音乐课上听一首歌曲,或是在体育课上玩耍下,都是很好的减压方式,恢复孩子们对于学习的热情。
Currently, there is an argument that non-academic courses like music and sports should be cut off, because they have no serviceable values. Personally, this contention is indefensible and overpasses the positive impacts of these courses on the growth of children. My reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, in school education, academic courses should be given the priority over music and sports, because the former is practically more helpful and beneficial. For example, by studying math, a typical academic subject, a child can acquire basic skills of coping with numbers and calculation, as well as cultivate abilities of critical thinking and reasoning. That is to say, math plays a role of doorway for children’s further education, future career and daily life. In comparison, there are very limited pragmatic effects of non-academic subjects on children’s future employment. Obviously, no matter how well a student can play
死记硬背的好坏 Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does usefulness...
死记硬背的好坏 Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does usefulness this method of learning and its demerits.
死记硬背的坏处1:这会抑制学生发展批判性思维。死记硬背的过程只是在被动,机械地进行记忆,无法深度地帮助孩子们了解问题的本质,或是创造性的思考,或是对只是进行实际地运用。 死记硬背的坏处2:这会浇灭学生的学习热情。死记硬背的过程总是无趣而单调的,学生会对学习本身失去兴趣。 死记硬背的好处1:重复记忆是学习的基础,它提供了学习所需要的基本的公理和经验。举例,学习法律课程,学生就必须首先了解和熟记大量的法律条文和案例。
How to study in a more efficient way remains a heatedly debated issue. It is quite commonplace these days for students to learn by rote, which has been widely adopted by schools. However, I believe the demerits of this tendency override the merits. Repetitive studying methods would inevitably restrain students from developing their critical thinking skills. Such process will be associated with remembering vast amount of knowledge and doing similar questions frequently, which leaves no space for deep understanding or free thinking outside of the box. As time goes by, students may be less likely to think actively and may fail to deal with new questions that are beyond the course content. Particularly for subjects such as mathematics which is largely based on logica
理论课VS实用课 Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more abo...
理论课VS实用课 Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and mathematics. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
实践课的重要性1:实践课在我们的生活,学习和工作中都十分重要。举例,掌握计算机技能帮助学生成功就业,处理电子商务,以及在线银行业务。 理论课的重要性1:理论课是实践课的基础。举例,数学就为计算机科学提供了基本的运算方法,公式,数学模型,算法分析和测试工具。没有数学知识,人们将无法学会编程。 理论课的重要性2:理论课把学生塑造成合格的社会公民。举例,这些,历史和法律课,他们表面上看没有实用价值,但是它们教导了学生如何正确地对社会问题进行判断,如何避免过去的历史错误,以及如何辨别对错。这些指导给学生们带来一辈子的好处。
At the present time, the direction of university education has been a heated social issue in debate. Some believe its main target should be training students as technologically experienced people by teaching applicable lessons. Others, however, refute that theoretical courses should be the foundation of university. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Admittedly, the importance of practical courses should never be ignored. In an information age driven by computer, basic knowledge and skills of operating computer and the Internet are universally required in most social jobs, and have been the pre-condition for job interviews. That is to say, the absence of computer teaching in school would trap graduates in the unemployment. Moreover, today, public services have fully shifted from brick-and-mortar buildings to the Internet, so it is mainly through learning
博学VS精学Some people think students should learn all the school curricula, but others think they should focus on only one particular ...
博学VS精学Some people think students should learn all the school curricula, but others think they should focus on only one particular subject that they like most. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
博学的好处1:帮助学生找到感兴趣的学科。青少年时期正是学生发现自我特质和特长的时期,让他们接触大量的学科是一个理想的方式来帮助他们挖掘到他们对于某一个领域的兴趣和才能。 博学的好处2:学科之间是紧密联系的,一个学科的学习往往需要来自其他学科的支持,举例,计算机科学就需要来自数学和工程学的知识。 精学的好处1:长时间关注一个学科,学生能获得对于该领域一个深度的理解,也能够更加熟练地掌握相关的技能。
It is undeniable that adolescents ought to concentrate on all school disciplines in order to give them a broad option of occupations to choose later in life. While I concur with the assertion, I believe engaging in only one domain that teenagers are adept at will be a blessing to the learner. This essay intends to explore some reasons. Most people think that it is necessary for student to learn and pass all subjects taught in school whether they like the subject or not. Often young teenagers are in the state of finding their own identity and interest. By learning all subjects in school, teenagers are exposed to different types of knowledge. For instance, biology will teach human body, geography will tell about environment, math will deal with number etc. Hence, by lear
为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. W...
为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. What is the reason? Do you think this trend should be changed?
1. 这个现象主要是基于一个社会对于性别的刻板印象,男女之间的思维模式有差别。举例,男性总是被认为在空间,数学和逻辑思维上有优势,而女性则在语言和记忆力上更出色。所以,他们都会选择那些符合自己优势的学科,这种选择能最大地发挥他们的才能,也容易有出色表现。 2. 这种选择肯定有问题。首先,肯定会有这种情况,有些男孩子在文科上有天赋,女孩子在理科上有天赋。如果他们还是按照世俗的观点来选择专业的话,他们的才能和天赋都会被浪费。
In the modern society, the public has been concerned with a trend that young men prefer science and women favor liberal arts. As far as I am concerned, this tendency lies on an old recognition about so-called intelligent distinction between genders, and the society should take immediate action against the situation of gender imbalance in subjects of school. This phenomenon stems from a traditional social stereotype that there are huge differences between genders, in terms of intelligently cognitive abilities. In centuries, it has been widely acknowledged that males have natural advantages in space, math and logic abilities while females are born with the excellence in language and memorization. These public concepts gradually become
厌学主因 Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happing?What can be ...
厌学主因 Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happing?What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?
1: 学校教育过于理论化,提供的知识太老旧,抽象,无法被适用于当前的社会工作。 2: 学习过于强调机械的记忆,而非去运用知识去建立和创造新东西。所以学习成为一个枯燥,艰苦的过程,带给学生挫败感。 3:学费太贵,大学教育迫使学生的家庭不得不花光积攒多年的辛苦存款,甚至是贷款来完成学业。然而,经济的不景气导致的就业岗位的减少让大量大学毕业生长期失业,所以他们会把大学教育职责为一种失败的投资。 4:学校的管理混乱。学校总是不断爆出负面新闻,校园暴力,不良烟酒主义的盛行,甚至是赌博和吸毒。在这样一个糟糕的环境下,学生总是被紧张,失望和危险所包围,自然地,对学校产生厌恶。
In the contemporary society, the prevalent study-weariness among youngsters after school has concerned the entire community. Generally, the rationale behind this phenomenon has much to do with the faults related to contents, approaches, management and costs of school education, as well as certain external problems like social unemployment and temptation of entertainment. I will expound these possible reasons and offer proper resolutions for reversion. Firstly, the majority of main reasons of loathing learning result from a degraded school education, which troubles youngsters day by day. For one thing, called as ivory tower, a school, no matter high school or university, is always criticized for its on-class contents provided to students. The knowledge in the teaching plan is too old and outm

题型3 话题分类:旅游类 属性:大范围重点预测

互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it...
互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
1. 当然不能,学习文化可不是看看网页那么简单。举例,只有通过零距离的观察,聆听和跟当地人进行交谈,一个旅行者才能有深度地理解一个本土文化的独特性,包括了日常的习俗,社会规范,宗教禁忌,以及说话和思维的方式。这些文化元素是无法通过网络的图片和文字描述的。 2. 此外,我对于那种“网络万能”的论调深表怀疑。事实上,今天,仍然存在很多国家和地区无法被互联网所覆盖,如朝鲜,以及贫穷的非洲国家。所以,了解它们文化的方式仍然是实地旅行。 3. 然而,就仅仅了解文化的某些成分,如在博物馆的传统艺术和古董,我认为互联网已经足够强大来展现它们。举例,电脑技术,如超高像素的照片,已经能完全再现一件绘画或是雕刻的所有细节了。所以在家看互联网上的照片和视频或获得的文化体验,跟实际的观察没有多少区别。
Would the Internet substitute the practical traveling abroad, in terms of letting people learn foreign cultures? Personally, I believe this contention overestimates the function of the Internet, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The foremost reason against this assertion is that the essence of a culture is much more than simple images. In terms of helping tourists to have a deep understanding of a local culture in certain areas, the real-world international traveling, instead of the Internet, is still a primary means by which a person can immerse himself or herself in a live cultural environment to grasp the cultural cores. For example, by face-to-face interaction with local residents, including closely observing, talking, listening, a tourist can directly and practically feel every detail about local traditions, social manners and rules, the way of speaking and th
国家之间高相似度的优缺点 any people are intended to go abroad to travel to see what other countries look like. However, the places all around ...
国家之间高相似度的优缺点 any people are intended to go abroad to travel to see what other countries look like. However, the places all around the world are looking more and more similar. What do you think is the effect cause the similarity? Do you think the advantages of this effect outweigh the shortages of it?
导致相似的原因: 根本的原因是深度的全球化。首先,在一个国际旅游兴盛的时代,每一个地区,尤其是那些交通枢纽中心,被要求重建基础设施来达到一个统一的国际标准。举例,为了满足外国游客的需求,酒店和购物中心总是被设计为西方风格的摩天大楼;地铁和机场和建造也总是遵守一种全球通用的外观;各种指示牌,广告牌,甚至是菜单的文字信息也总是被翻译为英文,这个国际性语言。 第二,全球性流行文化的流行。现在,全球性文化,它们非常地流行和有吸引力,和正在以一个前所未有的速度占领着每一个国家和地区的文化市场。举例,任何一个城市的任何一家电影院,几乎会在同一时间上映来自好莱坞的大片。此外,年轻人们也总是对于某些国际品牌有着相同的偏好,举例,无论是上海,东京,还是纽约的年轻人,都穿着耐克的衣服在身上,拿着苹果手机在手里。 好处:这给外来人员带来便利。举例,即使是一个对于当地文化完全陌生的国外游客,也能迅速地通过统一的符号,语言和外观找到酒店,餐厅,公交路线,医院和警察局,这让旅行变得简单,舒服和安全。还有,统一的国际标准也提升了当地的生活水平。举例,在国际标准的要求下,那些落后的,偏远的地区也会有来自政府的投资来现代化其交通,航空,医疗,邮政和网络系统,这能让当地老百姓的生活实现升级。 坏处:最大的担心是当地文化特征的消失。很明显的,这种高相似度意味着国家之间文化代沟的消失,并最终导致当地文化的衰退。举例,当英语,国际流行时装和麦当劳和摇滚乐在每一个地区的每一条大街上泛滥的时候,当地的语言,传统服装和首饰,传统食物和民歌将失去生存的机会。
Today, a high parallelism between disparate countries has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, globalization plays a significant role, which brings more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, the root cause of this trend is the deep globalization. Specifically, in an age of thriving international business and travelling, all countries and regions, especially the ones that are pivots of transportation, are required to rebuild their infrastructures, for the purpose of reaching so-called global standards. For example, in anywhere worldwide, hotels are designed as western-style skyscrapers; the construction of railway stations and airports always follows the international norms; information on products, indicators, billboards and even food menus are translated into English, the universally global language. Besides, the form of a global pop culture also contributes much to
国际旅游是坏事 Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for them. Why do they think so? How to change their views?
国际旅游日益流行,有人认为它促进国际理解,有人认为它加剧国家之间紧张情绪。 国际旅游加剧国家之间紧张情绪: 1. 文化冲突冒犯当地人 2. 损害当地自然资源 国际旅游促进国际理解: 1. 只有亲身体验才能了解某国文化,比如许多美国年轻人要去到俄罗斯才觉得其实那里的人们并没有那么恐怖,再比如到了中国以后才发现现在中国男人已经不再是长辫中国女人也不再裹小脚。 2. 人们更加愿意了解彼此,增进理解。 国际旅游总体上还是促进国际理解,而不是加剧紧张。
International tourism is booming: millions of tourists go to foreign countries to explore the outside world. Tourism enhances the mutual understanding between the local residents and tourists. Some people refute that international tourism intensifies tensions rather than improves understanding between people from distinguishable cultures. The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their own. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy, which may lead
旅游与当地环境保护 It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit, but some people think it is imposs...
旅游与当地环境保护 It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit, but some people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. What are the reasons and solutions?
要努力取得人和环境还有文化的统一,游客可以对当地文化和环境负责。 首先要持续教育宣传,让人们尊重文化保护环境,而不是马上判定他们不负责任。 缺乏环境保护意识并不意味着这些人没有道德观,要适当惩罚伤害环境的行为让他们有环境意识。 通过教育灌输和监管,游客可以学会尊重文化保护环境。
The harmony between human beings and the environment as well as culture should be of contradiction and unification. It is so arbitrary to say tourists are unlikely to become accountable for both the culture and the environment of they visit. First and foremost, any awareness can be transplanted into the innocent minds of most people. Whether tourists can realize the significance of preserving the resort they choose to visit completely depends on the potency of educating and campaigning. After all, no one is keen on destroying wonderful things on purpose. Nevertheless, the key point lies in the method and degree t
游客模仿当地习俗Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate local customers and behaviours. Some people disagree; they t...
游客模仿当地习俗Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate local customers and behaviours. Some people disagree; they think the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss the two views and give your opinion.
科技进步全球化深入,大批人为了度假或者工作到另外一个国家。有人认为外国人要入乡随俗,有些人反对。 1. 外国人不应该入乡随俗: 社会更加多元化。 应该尊重彼此文化,而不是强迫别人服从本土文化。 2. 外国人应该入乡随俗: 保留本土文化。 外国人可以更加了解当地文化。 享受其他地方享受不到的美食节日等等。 要中立地看待入乡随俗,当地人和游客都应宽容善待彼此。
With the advancement of technology and globalization, a large number of people travel to other countries either for the sake of vacations or for business trips. It is argued that the foreigners have to abide by the local customs and behaviors, to which there is an opposite view. In the essay, both sides of the situation will be fully examined. Groups of people who want to have a multi-culture society intend to welcome other cultures. Firstly, it is one of the ways to learn new traditions and customs of the other regions. Host country will be ab
旅游景区与文化传承Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at touri...
旅游景区与文化传承Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.
The majority of tourism today is related to business, which makes some people fret about the preservation of cultural traditions. To propose a method to keep up traditions, the commercial application is actually not the only way to avoid destruction. There is curiosity of tourists toward ethnic customs, and desire of local inhabitants to profit, as a consequence, increasing numbers of places to visit are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. For instance, wedding ceremonies can become businesses in minority districts in Guangxi, China. With the colorful substances and unique customs, traditional culture attracts
发展中国家扩张旅游业Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries Why is this the case? Is it a positive develo...
发展中国家扩张旅游业Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries Why is this the case? Is it a positive development?
越来越多的发展中国家扩展旅游业,是个好的趋势。 1. 旅游业可以帮助发展中国家经济发展: 中国需要外汇来现代化建设。 旅游业促进饮食业和交通业的发展。 2. 旅游业为当地居民创造就业机会: 可以售卖纪念品当地特产,减轻当地政府压力。 3. 旅游业促进国际理解和友谊: 游客会更加了解当地文化历史传统。 发展中国家发展旅游业是很重要的,它对这个国家的经济和政治成长十分有利。
Presently, there is a hot discussion about the reasons why an increasing number of developing countries expand tourist industries. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a positive trend. In this essay, reasons will be expounded in the following paragraphs. The first and foremost reason is that, tourism, which becomes the principal source of financial revenue in many developing countries, is financially beneficial to the economic development. For instance, China needs an increasing amount of foreign currencies for its modernization drive. Tourism is one of the most cr
国际旅游导致更多偏见International travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded. do you agree or disagree?
减少了偏见: 1. 在国际旅行中,游客能近距离的观看国外的文化和历史,如建筑,歌剧,文学,这些让人们了解到国外文化的伟大,最终帮助他们开始欣赏和尊重文化的多样性,而不是简单的恐惧和排斥。 2. 在国际旅行中,游客能发现国外生活方式的共通性,比如美国人去俄罗斯后发现原来那边的年轻人也喜欢可口可乐,好莱坞电影,迈克尔杰克逊,这种实际的生活体验消除了过去政府强加在人们脑海中的俄罗斯是妖魔鬼怪的错误观念,最终,这种可分享的生活经验消除了人们之间的代沟,让人们彼此更亲密,更能相互理解和信任。 增加了国际紧张: 1. 在一个完全陌生的文化环境中,游客们会做出很多文化碰撞的事情,如饮食,穿着,行事风格,这些会造成当地人的误解和愤怒。 2. 游客的到来会扰乱当地人的生活,他们会带来噪音,垃圾,破坏了当地的环境和安宁。 3. 游客会带来异国的病菌和病毒,当地人的免疫系统对此毫无抵抗能力,造成疾病流行,如SARS。 4. 游客会消耗当地的自然资源,导致当地生活出问题。
In the present case, international travel is booming because of the progress of long-distance flight. Many people believe that there is a huge concern behind this global movement that tourists might trap them into bias and conflicts against destination country triggered by cultural shocks. In my opinion, this contention is indefensible; it underestimates the possibility of furthering cross-culture understanding in traveling and its consequent merits. Admittedly, there are two main reasons for supporting the argument of traveling making prejudices. Firstly, international trip puts tourists in a completely strange culture environment filled with unfamiliar and unknown local manners, lifestyles, ways of speaking and thinking or religious taboos. With the ignorance of these different cultural factors, foreign tourists are very likely to do some "misconducts" violating regional cultural regulations or concepts, which, in turn, provoke misunderstandi
国外游客是否该多收费 Some people think foreign visitors should be charged more than local people when they visit the cultural and historical...
国外游客是否该多收费 Some people think foreign visitors should be charged more than local people when they visit the cultural and historical attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
不应该: 1. 文化遗产和自然景观是属于整个人类,而不仅仅是某一个群体,差异性收费是对于国外游客人权的侵害。 2. 这种歧视性的标准让千里而来的游客们感觉受到不尊重和侮辱,导致在国际社会口碑差,长期看,这些景区将流失大量的外国游客。 应该: 1. 这些文化,历史和自然景点都是当地的社会在维护和管理,这消耗了当地大众的税收和人力,所以当地居民的低票价是合理的,这是一种社会对于他们的补偿。 2. 国外游客的到来严重干扰了当地人们的生活,带来了垃圾,噪音,和文化冲突,所以他们应该多收费。 3. 很多文化景点承担着当地的宗教典礼的功能,高票价能限制国外游客的数量,有利于这些文化活动的顺利进行。
Irrefutably, with international tourism serving as the backbone of many economies of the world, there is a long-term debate about whether overseas tourists should pay more for visiting scenic spots and historical relics than local inhabitants. Publicly, some say yes and some say no. Personally, I think the higher price for foreigners is generally acceptable or even indispensable, and the supporting reasons will be expounded in the following paragraphs. The primary reason against the difference of charge lies in the fairness. After mixture over centuries, present culture elements have been the universal wealth worldwide, far beyond the borders of nations, races or politics, which means in the eyes of foreigners, charging equally is a necessity because it represents their rights to freely and fairly appreciate a common culture. A good example is the museum of Britain which deposits, depicts and displays thousands of exotic items, such as monuments from Egypt, porcelains from China and marble sculptures fr

题型4 话题分类:家庭生活类 属性:大范围重点预测

父母是否给跟孩子们讲故事 Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as ch...
父母是否给跟孩子们讲故事 Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TV or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
1. 给孩子讲故事好处多多。第一,这能巩固家庭纽带。举例,在讲故事的过程中,父母和孩子都会完全把注意力放到对方身上,进行深度的感情交流,这培养了他们之间的信任和相互关爱。 2. 第二,在听故事的过程中,孩子们的记忆力,语言能力,词汇量,以及把抽象信息视觉化的思维都会得到锻炼和提升,这对于他们今后的学术教育十分有用,比如说他们能在课堂上及时抓住老师讲课的要点。 3. 当然,孩子自由阅读或是观看电视也是必要的。举例,在独立阅读的过程中,他们需要进行独立的思考和判断,这让他们变得思维成熟,而且自由阅读各个领域的书籍也是一个实现自我认知的过程,让他们找到自己擅长的,感兴趣的专业方向。
It has been said that “There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.” The question in debate is whether parents should read or tell stories to children or whether children should rely on themselves to read books or watch TV or movies. In this essay, both viewpoints will be fully discussed. There are many benefits of reading bedtime stories to children. First of all, it encourages family bonds. In this day and age of hectic lives and busy schedules, reading together is a simple and enjoyable way for parents to take time out and focus on the family. Children also feel wanted and loved. What is more, it molds children into becoming readers, and this significantly increases the child’s potential for academic success as well as lifelong success in general. It also helps children master language development as by listening
同辈压力对于年轻人的影响 Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer p...
同辈压力对于年轻人的影响 Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer pressures”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
1. 首先,同龄人的压力会消除个性。举例,在这种压力下,年轻人总是关注,模范和跟随他人,包括了衣着,口味和行为。这种一致性让孩子们慢慢失去自我认知(self identity)。 2. 同龄人的压力还会导致年轻人犯错。举例,如果有同伴有着糟糕的生活习惯,如吸烟,喝酒和吸毒的话,那么这个年轻人就会忍不住去尝试,并最终上瘾。此外,为了服从某个团体的所谓规矩,天真的年轻人会被迫使加入一些团伙犯罪活动之中,如偷窃,抢劫等。 3. 当然,某些适当的同辈压力也会给年轻人的进步带来动力。举例,在学校学习中,来自其他同学的良好的学习表现是一个天然的压力,会刺激一个年轻人更努力的听课,思考和完成作业。此外,如果朋友们有着去图书馆的习惯,那么这个年轻人也会被鼓励去学习和阅读。
Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in promoting a person to alter his or her attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. In my view, peers bring more negative than the positive impacts on a youngster, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Individuality is removed. Actually, for the purpose of receiving the social acceptance, young people might consciously compel themselves to approve of and comply with ideas, views and behaviors of other peers, instead of obeying their inner hearts. One typical example is lifestyle. As living in groups, unconditionally catering to even-aged students and students around is the main way of young people to avoid being labeled as eccentrics, suc
现代游戏VS传统游戏 Some people think modern games can help children to develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional g...
现代游戏VS传统游戏 Some people think modern games can help children to develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. What is your opinion?
1. 现代游戏的好处:打电子游戏能锻炼孩子们的眼手协调,反应。还有,在处理游戏的数据过程中,孩子们也学会了计算,分析和推导能力。此外,电脑游戏也让孩子们学会使用鼠标,键盘和社交网络。 2. 然而,我仍然认为传统游戏更好。第一,下棋有效地提高了孩子们的智商和认知能力。举例,孩子们需要学会记忆,在大脑中推测和假设,还要学会将分析视觉化。 3. 此外,传统的户外游戏,如野外定向运动,培养了孩子们的生活技能,如识别地图,做饭,以及急救知识。
What kind of games should a child choose to play, modern games or traditional ones? Personally, In terms of contributions of games to enriching skills of children, I believe traditional games score higher in terms of overall performance, and my reasons will be expounded as below. Admittedly, benefits stemming from modern games should not be ignored. Generally speaking, playing video games is an interactive process that stimulates the neural mechanism of children. By this way, the eye-hand coordination, reaction and decision-making ability can be improved. Many puzzle games also sharpen cognition capacities like calculating, interpreting, logic thinking and reasoning. In addition, another practical skill trained from playing online games is computer
家庭和外界对孩子造成的影响 A family has a great influence on children's development, but the outside of home plays a bigger part in children's ...
家庭和外界对孩子造成的影响 A family has a great influence on children's development, but the outside of home plays a bigger part in children's life. Do you agree or disagree?
1. 首先,家庭造成的影响不可小觑。毕竟父母是孩子生命当中的第一个老师,每天陪伴孩子们最长时间。举例,他们直接教会孩子们基本的生存技能,如语言,做饭,收拾屋子,卫生习惯,以及基本的学术能力,如数学计算,阅读,思考和判断。 2. 然而,其他因素同样有影响力。举例,在孩子们的学术教育上,学校的老师影响是第一位的。他们是学生教育的领路人,教会他们各个学科的基础知识,学习方式,以及培养他们对于某些学科的热爱。 3. 媒体同样对孩子们的影响很大。举例,电视和电影镜头中的暴力内容会扭曲孩子们的价值观,让他们变得富有侵略性,产生对于暴力的崇拜,并且错误地认为采用暴力手段解决问题是合适的。
The growth of children relies on many factors, including parents, teachers, media, peers and so forth. Personally, I concur that the family of origin is less weighty than other factors combined, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Admittedly, the influence of family on children is very deep, because parents, initial teachers in the life of children, set the first role models for them to learn and imitate, and which would be logged into the impressionable childhood mind and would determine basic behaviors and thoughts of them. For example, by observing and learning the daily activities of parents, like speaking, cooking and house cleaning, washing hands before eating, a child can master the language, self-care ability and hygienic habits. Besides, parents also play a key role in developing the intelligence of children. For instance, with day-to-day teaching, communication and storytelling, a parent c
人们是否变的更独立 Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that...
人们是否变的更独立 Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
更独立的原因1:互联网降低了人们交流的频率。举例,人们习惯于依赖网络来获取新闻,知识,经验和答案,而不是面对面的和其他人的询问,讨论和谈话。 更独立的原因2:机器自动化让人们不再依赖彼此。举例,ATM可以让人们自己取钱,而不是去银行柜台对柜员提出要求。 更依赖的原因1 : 在一个后工业时代,每一个社会个体都被教育和训练在某一个领域精通,这意味着他们的工作必须依赖其他同事和行业的合作; 他们的生活必须依赖来自他人提供的产品和服务。
Should the level of interdependence between people in the present society be up or down? This question has been a heated social issue in debate, and has resulted in opposite viewpoints among the public. Personally, I believe the community turns more self-supporting, and my reasons will be expounded as below. In terms of information communication, the thriving Internet today has reduced the level of people’s connection with others, because this technology can provide more abundant, timely and objective information to every social individual. In other words, modern people are used to relying on the Internet for the acquirement of news, knowledge, social experience and even answers of school tasks, rather than face-to-face questioning, talking or discussing with others. Therefore, the common interdependent human relation
名牌奢侈品受欢追捧的原因和社会影响 More and more people want to famous brand clothes, cars and items. What are the reasons? Is this trend positive ...
名牌奢侈品受欢追捧的原因和社会影响 More and more people want to famous brand clothes, cars and items. What are the reasons? Is this trend positive or negative?
1. 两个原因导致了奢侈品如此受欢迎。第一,先进的工业制造大大降低了产品的成本,这意味着那些大牌产品也价格大跌,让普通老百姓也能负担的起了。所以,很多人会花钱来购买这些他们原来很眼馋的好东西。第二,广告的诱惑。举例,重金打造的广告总是把名牌产品价值吹嘘得很高,比如说奢侈的时装代表着高贵,优雅和成功。观众看过了就会被洗脑,随后会对这些物品很着迷。 2. 追求名牌带来的问题主要有二。首先,这会导致过度消费。名牌都很昂贵,它们超出了一般消费者的经济能力。举例,一套时装很可能会消费一般人整个月的工资收入,这让他们缺乏基本的生活预算来维持生活。 3. 第二,这会建立一种极端的物质主义,让人们丧失精神层面的追求。举例,富人们宁肯把钱浪费在这些不必要的商品上,也不愿意捐助那些社会公益事业。此外,人们会崇拜那些衣着华丽的富人,而看不起那些穿着朴素的穷人,这制造了阶级矛盾。
Now, the thriving consumption of the public on luxuries of famous brands has been a heated social issue in debate. In this essay, I will explore the possible reasons behind the phenomenon and analyze whether this trend is positive or negative. There are two main reasons as to why people have more desires to purchase these items. Firstly, advanced industry driven by new technologies like automatic manufacturing, intelligent robots and computers has made low-cost production possible, which means famous-brand commodities are becoming cheaper and more affordable to the public. As a result, people think spending on these expensive items at a lower price is a cost-efficient investment that helps them to pursue a decent and graceful lif
长期的离家工作的好坏 Today some person have to work away from his family, what are the advantages and disadvantages?
离家工作的好处1:培养了独立性。举例,这些人不得不依赖和挖掘自己的潜力和能力来应付一切生活中的挑战和困难。 离家工作的好处2:培养了社交能力。举例,他们要面临一个完全陌生的社会,和不同肤色,生活习惯和宗教的人群打交道,这培养了跨文化理解力。 离家工作的坏处1:家庭关系会崩塌。这些离开的人无力照顾自己的亲人和孩子,让他们感觉到被抛弃。 离家工作的坏处2:精神压力过大。长时间离家的人总是饱受思乡病,孤独和焦虑的折磨。
Today, working in a new place or a foreign country distant from homes has been a heated problem under debate. As far as I am concerned, this alteration brings benefits and shortcomings simultaneously to those who leave homes and their family members, and my reasons would be presented in the following paragraphs. The main relevant benefits are the improvement of independence and interpersonal skills. Firstly, being away from the comfortable and safe zone built up by parents and friends in homeland, people in a strange environment, especially the youngsters, have to take responsibility for daily affairs, tasks, behaviors, health care and schedules. These efforts can improve their self-care skills and decision-making ability. Moreover, frequ
快节奏社会的问题 The speeding up of life in areas such as travel and communications is negatively affecting the society at every level ---...
快节奏社会的问题 The speeding up of life in areas such as travel and communications is negatively affecting the society at every level --- individual, national, and global. Do you agree or disagree?
同意,快节奏的生活方式同时给个人,国家和全球带来的负面影响。 1. 个人层面:生活的加速会增大人们的压力,因为它破坏了生活的平衡。举例,飞机大大加速了人们的出行,但是也带来了更高的工作预期和更紧凑的时间计划。在太多例子中,企业员工被要求在早上乘坐飞机抵达另一个州,甚至是国家,来参加会议和谈判,然后又搭乘午夜的航班飞回家,中间没有任何的休息时间。结果是,人们会感觉筋疲力尽,喘不过气。 2. 国际层面:快速的运输和通讯系统的建立会进一步破坏环境。举例,飞机的频繁使用会排放大量的尾气。同样的,为了满足无线通讯的需求,如手机,数不清的基站被建立在山区和森林里,这破坏了生态圈。 3. 国家层面:便利的旅游和通讯会破坏一个国家的文化。举例,飞机增强了国家之间的联系,如贸易和旅游,但这也把国外文化引进到国内,这会导致文化竞争,并很有可能杀死本土文化。同样的,互联网的兴旺也把人们暴露在一个全球的流行文化之下,如流行音乐,电影,游戏,这让年轻人失去对于本国文化的兴趣。
Presently, modern technologies have dramatically speeded up people’s traveling and communication. Some people refute that there are many negative consequences of this trend, personally, nationally, and globally. I strongly concur with this view, and my reasons will be listed in the essay. Firstly, on the personal level, an accelerated life pace make individuals stressful, because it breaks the balance between working and living. For example, airplanes, the fastest transportation nowadays, can largely shorten the time of people’s long-distant traveling, while its high efficiency also causes higher work expectancy and tighter work schedule. For example, in a single day, a manager of multi-national companies is asked to take plane to go for a meeting in another region or country far away in the morning, and fly back to t
为什么年轻越富有却越不开心 In some countries, Young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are...
为什么年轻越富有却越不开心 In some countries, Young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. Reasons and solutions.
1. 第一个理由是,年轻人们生长在一个物质充沛的时代,他们早就习惯一种安逸的,便利的生活,所以他们对于生活水平的进步并不敏感。此外,年轻人都野心勃勃地追求金钱名利,这让他们每天都挣扎在工作压力和加班之中,这自然降低了它们的幸福感。 2. 第二,很多年轻人从小就被父母溺爱,他们变得自私,无同情心。他们只关心自己的利益,而缺乏仁爱之心去帮助他人。结果是,他们也无法获得的他人关爱,并每天都感觉到被隔离和孤独。 3. 解决之道需要年轻人改变自己。举例,他们不应该成为追求名利的工作狂,而应该把更多的时间和注意力放到家庭之中,这能恢复一种工作和生活的平衡。此外,主动参加聚会和集体体育运动,这些和他人的互动能恢复他们的活力,积极的生活态度,以及好的情绪。
In the present case, as technology and economy step forward, living conditions of youngster have been ameliorated substantially. However, it is surprising to find that the level of their happiness does not increase correspondingly. In this essay, I will explore possible reasons and propose practical solutions to this problem. Firstly, as the young grow up and live in a time when there is much more abundant materials, they take for granted their high living standards and become less sensitive to any improvement in this regard. On the other hand, their spiritual needs cannot be satisfied due to
人们为什么会失去工作和生活的平衡 Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life. What causes the situation? How to...
人们为什么会失去工作和生活的平衡 Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life. What causes the situation? How to overcome this problem?
1. 根本的原因之一在于,巨大的工作竞争和压力让人们变成工作狂。为了保住饭碗,他们不得不长时间的加班,开会,来确保他们在工作上有一个好的表现,也表现出他们对于公司的贡献和忠诚。 2. 另外一个原因在于,科技不断地提高着人们的工作量和工作预期。举例,电灯的发明让员工们在晚上加班成为可能;手机也模糊了工作和休息的界限,让人们在私人时间,周末,甚至是出门旅游的时候,也总是接到关于工作的短信和指示,这让他们无法顾忌自己的休息和照顾家庭。 3. 如何恢复工作和生活的平衡,取决于如下几个方面:首先,公司应该提供终身的工作合同,这能减少员工对于下岗的恐惧和压力,也让他们能把一些注意力用于个人生活。此外,工作时间应该被严格控制,禁止深夜和周末的加班。此外,人们在私人时间的时候,也应该远离那些通讯工具,不然自己被工作信息所困扰。
In the modern society, there has been a heated social phenomenon that the life of people tends to be overwhelmed by work, so that they are lack of time for personal lives. In the following essay, I will explore the relevant causes and furnish practical solutions to the worrying trend. This phenomenon stems from many causes, and the first one is about employment. In fact, limited job positions, in conjunction with the overpopulation and a declined economy, make the job competition increasingly fierce. For the security of jobs, all employees have to devote themselves into working to keep a good performance. Besides, working hard also represents their loyalty and values to the companies. Another direct cause is driven by new technologies wh
人们更愿意独居的原因和影响 As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. In your opinion, what is...
人们更愿意独居的原因和影响 As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. In your opinion, what is this cause and what are the effects on society.
1. 人们单独居住的第一个原因是社会进步带来的生活方式的改变。举例,城市膨胀,便利的公交系统,更多的公路和铁路,私家车和手机的流行,都让人们的生活变得移动起来,他们可以自由地选择居住地,而不用窝在家里。第二,今天的年轻人都忙于工作,他们可能在深夜和周末都在公司加班,或是外出开会。所以他们宁愿过一种个人化的,简单的,没有家庭负担的单身生活。第三,年轻一代不喜欢大家庭,他们更愿意生一个小孩。 2. 这样的生活方式带来了负面影响。第一,较低的生育率让社会在以后会遭遇劳动力不足的情况。第二,人们每天都是独处,缺乏来自家人的交流和关爱,这会让他们产生负面情绪,如孤独,焦虑。
In the contemporary society, urbanites have a preference to live apart from their parents and lead an independent life. What’s more, they have a tendency of retarding their parenthood ages. In this essay, I will explore possible reasons and find out the impacts of the trend on the society. The foremost reason has much to do with the wide use of modern transportation and telecommunication systems, like buses and railways 24-hour available and ubiquitous signals of cell phones and access to the Internet. These factors work together to build up an urbanized lifestyle featuring high level of mobility. In addition, young people facing enormous c
幸福的定义 What are the definitions of happiness? What is the factors in achieving happiness. Give some examples and relavant evidence.
幸福为什么难以定义:幸福是一种非常个人化的心理状态,很主观。举例,有的人考不到第一名就不开心,而有的人能考试及格就乐不思蜀了。同样的,年轻人感觉刺激能带来快感,而老年人则认为安静才是开心。 如何获取幸福:1,基本的生活条件需要具备,如足够的食物,稳定的工作,有地方住。2,需要和家庭和朋友有交心,这样就能消除精神压力。3,需要有信心和一个积极的态度来面对生活中的挑战,相信一切都会好起来。
Nowadays, under a fast-paced society full of fierce job competition and pressures, people are more willing to figure out the root of happiness. As far as I am concerned, the criterion of judging whether a person is happy or not are multi-dimensional, and my perception about happiness will be listed as below. A variety of psychological, religious and philosophical approaches have strained to define happiness and its sources because of the diversity of this feeling in different people. Happiness actually is a mental or spiritual feeling. The mentality of human is very complex because it varies from person to person. For example, some people are happy if they top the exams, or some may be happy to just pass them. Similarly, some people derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money o

题型5 话题分类:社会犯罪类 属性:大范围重点预测

青少年犯罪的根源 Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world. Discuss the causes and how to solve...
青少年犯罪的根源 Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world. Discuss the causes and how to solve this problem?
青少年犯罪的根源1:媒体暴力的误导,让他们对于暴力产生崇拜,错误地认为通过犯罪来获取财富是合适的。 青少年犯罪的根源2:在经济萧条的大背景下,就业变得十分困难,很多年轻人被迫选择犯罪来谋生,或是报复社会。 解决之道:对于出版物进行审查和分类,这能把那些不良的信息过滤掉。还有就是免费的就业培训,这能让年轻人获取实际的技能,帮助他们在找工作中获得优势。
In the present, it has been reported that there has been an increasing number of crimes committed by the youngish in major cities all over the world. What triggers the trend and what people could do to settle the problem have been heatedly debated. In this essay, I will investigate the reasons and suggest some possible resolutions accordingly. There are two main reasons why this kind of crimes is on the increase. Firstly, violence on the Internet, TV programs and video games is responsible for this situation. It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lacking in abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could render young people aggressive. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even
城市是否该安装安全措施 More and more measures to improve the security in the urban area have been introduced because of the increased crime. ...
城市是否该安装安全措施 More and more measures to improve the security in the urban area have been introduced because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of the measures outweigh the drawbacks?
应该安装1:它能及时地发现和制止那些正在进行的犯罪,这直接降低了社会犯罪率。 应该安装2:它能24小时的对建筑和街道进行监控,这让很多想犯罪的人放弃犯罪。 应该安装3:它也能对很多事故,如火灾,发出及时的警告,这能拯救生命。 不应该安装:这些严密的监控系统剥夺了老百姓的隐私。他们会感觉生活在监狱里,随时都被窥视,这会降低生活中的幸福感。
In the current society, for the sake of public safety, security facilities, staffs and policies are overwhelming in urban regions. In my view, this trend brings more pros than the cons, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Apparently, the root cause of increasing crimes and violence in cities is the inadequacy of police supervision, so that installations of security measures in buildings and streets are an effective preventive means by which the safety of urbanites will be improved. Firstly, these measures, such as on-patrol police vehicles, can immediately catch out and stop ongoing illegal activities such as thefts, robberies and vandalism, thus reducing the rate of social crimes in open space directly. Secondly, the universal camera-based monitory system that is 24-hour available plays a key role
社会法律规范是否该遵守 Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what...
社会法律规范是否该遵守 Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
应该遵守:法律和法规是社会有序运行的前提,它们规范了人们的行为和思想,让人们的活动能限制在一个安全的,合法的范围。相反,一旦人们恣意妄为地来忽略这些法律的话,整个社会会陷入混乱。举例,如果交通法规不被遵守,则会出现大量的车祸。如果刑法不被遵守的话,则会出现大量的社会犯罪。 不应该遵守:对于那些不公正的法律,人们应该被授予足够的自由来进行对抗。举例,如果美国今天仍然保留着奴隶法案的话,则今天的美国黑人将处境悲惨,没有教育,医疗,工作和投票的权利。可以看到,这样的法律必将引发来自黑人的愤怒,反抗,甚至是战争。
In the present society, there is a contention that the freedom of citizens should be limited; otherwise it might harm the social laws and justice system, thus making our society unstable and unsteady. Personally, this view is psychologically right, while it neglects the importance of fighting against the unjust laws freely. Firstly, there is no doubt that obeying social rules and laws is the fundamental obligation for all individuals, for the reason that they serve as a key function of ensuring our society running on the right track. Obviously, these regulations define the borders between the right and the wrong, the social ethics and day-to-day conduct standards, all of which can instruct and regulate citizens to act and think in a lawful, polite and safe way. Otherwise, the ignorance of these re
是否该将罪犯长时间的关进监狱 Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be use...
是否该将罪犯长时间的关进监狱 Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be used instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
应该: 1. 监禁是社会法律和公平的体现。 2. 监禁是一种警告,有效的预防了潜在犯罪。 3. 监禁对于那些重刑犯而言,是唯一选择。 不应该: 1. 监禁无法让罪犯学习到工作知识,技能,法律常识,他们出去以后照样犯罪。 2. 监狱是罪犯集中之地,他们能彼此分享犯罪经验,导致犯罪心理加重。 3. 监狱是一个封闭的,孤单的环境,它让罪犯陷入负面情绪和绝望。 4. 监禁把大众资源浪费在一群一无是处的人身上,加重社会负担。
Now, the issue of how to handle criminals has sparked off an intense debate. Although some people claim that sending criminals to prison is inane, I personally believe prison is indispensable while education and job training should be supplements for rehabilitation. People who oppose prison think that it could exert some detrimental influence. One argument often proposed by them is that keeping prisons could be costly. However, they are oversimplifying the situation. For one thing, criminals in prison are arranged to do some work such as making shopping bags which can be sold and cover some running costs of prisons. For another, the m
警察是否该配枪 Some believe policemen should be armed with guns in order to prevent street crimes. However, others think this measure wou...
警察是否该配枪 Some believe policemen should be armed with guns in order to prevent street crimes. However, others think this measure would raise the level of social violence. What is your opinion?
应该配枪: 1. 在一个枪支泛滥的时代,配枪能保护警察自身。 2. 帮助警察迅速的打击和制止罪犯。 3. 是有效的威慑来预防那些潜在犯罪。 不应该配枪; 1. 枪支可能被滥用。 2. 误伤群众。 3. 被偷被抢怎么办。 4. 刺激罪犯进行新一轮的火力采购,形成军备竞赛。
If someone objects to prisons because of the expenses to society, they should take into account the risks to individuals if the criminal is at large in society. One thief can trigger a large number of economic problems before being caught and put into prison. As opposed to the extensive use of weapons in the US, people in the UK, even the police are not allowed to take guns. Some people argue that it may trigger off insecurity of city dwellers, whereas others assert that it can eliminate the whole violence in the society. Hereby, I would like to discuss both perspectives in the following paragraphs. Some people believe that the absence of carrying guns is disadvantageous in many aspects in any nations. It has been a trend that the viol
能否从孩子三岁的行为来判断他今后是否会犯罪 Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they wil...
能否从孩子三岁的行为来判断他今后是否会犯罪 Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
1. 基因论是有点道理的。举例,科学已经证明,某些基因缺陷会导致大脑荷尔蒙的分泌功能紊乱,这会导致人在很小的时候就显示出负面的性格,如缺乏残忍,缺乏同情心和负罪感。在长大之后,这些病态的特征会刺激他们做出暴力的行为。 2. 然而,父母在塑造孩子思维的过程中同样起到很大作用。举例,糟糕的父母管教,如采用暴力来体罚孩子,会让孩子变得有侵略性,冷漠,以及反社会的思想。 3. 此外,来自媒体的暴力镜头同样会影响孩子们。举例,电影中人们总是通过犯罪来解决问题,或是获得财富。这扭曲了孩子们的价值观,让他们误以为通过犯罪来谋生是合适的。
Does a child’s performance at the age of 3 decide whether he or she would be a criminal in the future? Personally, I partially agree that gene defects in some cases indeed cause some illegal actions, while it is unwise to attribute all crimes to the gene problem, and my reasons will be expounded as below. Admittedly, in terms of Genetics, this assertion is reasonable, because some of human behaviors, attitudes and characteristics are determined by DNA, and there is always home typical continuity from inappropriate behaviors in childhood to criminality in adulthood. For example, symptoms of gene-based psychological abnormality, which stems from the imbalanced secretion of hormones in brain, can be reflected in the very young age as inattention, restlessne
青少年罪犯是否该像成年人那样判刑 Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree ...
青少年罪犯是否该像成年人那样判刑 Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 应该,严肃的法律能起到一种威慑作用,让青少年们不敢再次犯罪。举例,今天我们对于青少年罪犯的法律惩罚实在是不痛不痒,甚至是太仁慈了,这让年轻人藐视法律,他们会想,即使犯罪也没什么大不。所以像成年人那样惩罚他们很必要,比如说关监狱,而不是简单地口头教导。这些痛苦的惩罚让年轻人不敢随便挑战社会法规。 2. 然而,年轻人的司法体系应该更加灵活一些,这是因为年轻人很年轻,不成熟,他们的犯罪动机很可能不是那么邪恶。举例,成年罪犯的抢劫动机很明确,就是通过袭击他人来获取财富。相比之下,青少年伤害他人的行为很可能只是因为来自同伴的压力,或是因为一时冲动。考虑到他们并不是有意要犯罪,所以给他们较轻的判罚是可以理解的。
Should young criminals be castigated as the adults? Personally, I concur with the contention partially, while it underestimates the significance of an elastic judgment on the young. The main reason of using the same standard to punish the youth is, it deters them from further crimes. Today, the main cause of juvenile crimes increasing is a lenient juvenile judicial system and milder punishments like lighter sentences, shortened prison terms, or even probation. Youngsters think they can always get off easily, regardless of the seriousness of crimes. Therefore, it is necessary for juvenile offenders to be tried as strictly as adults, which lets these youngsters kno
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