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Describe a project you do as part of your studies.小站独家解析

You should say

What the project or work was
When you did this
Who was with you
How easy or difficult it was
And explain how you felt afterwards

Well, to say something I did as part of my studies, I would like to talk about the project I did alone in the last year of college. It was an interview about nearly 20 primary school Chinese teachers for their teaching methods. Since it was part of my dissertation and I had to use the data to do analysis, I attached great importance to this interview. I did a lot of preparation for the interview. The first step was to contact the person who in charge of primary schools and got permission to interview teachers. I provided files of application and waited for almost one month to get my permission. Then I searched for many reference books in our main library and made my first questionnaire of ten questions. But that was far from enough. You know, teachers were very busy so I contacted them in advance and made appointments with them. Some teachers agreed to be interviewed face to face, while others preferred to do it through phone calls or emails. On the first day, I was quite nervous and dared not to ask more questions. When I was on my way back to school, I made up my mind to be braver to acquire more data. After all, success is based on our courage to face difficulties. Then, the next day, I did my interview with more teachers and things became easier to me. In the end, I successfully collected enough data for my dissertation. Because it was my first time to finish a difficult task all by myself, I felt quite relieved and also felt a sense of achievement afterwards. 


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