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Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.Sample Answer 1

You should say

What the occasion is?
Why you need to get up early?
How is your feeling?

Last month was a terrible month for me and my classmates since we got 3 deadlines clashed in one week. My roommates and I all stayed up every day before that horrible week. Just 12 hours before the deadline, I still had 2500 words to write and several English articles to recite. I had to drink several cups of coffee to prevent me from falling asleep and I finally finished my essay before six o’clock. However, I had got to attend the English oral test before I handed in my essay and the test was early. I had no other options but only slept for an hour and then got up at 7 o’clock to review my oral presentation. To tell you the truth, that feeling was sucked. I got to the test room ten minutes before starting exam. I could think of nothing when I entered the test room since I didn’t get enough sleep. With the time passing by, I felt into desperation and I could hardly speak out a whole sentence. I took the worst test in my university and I was utter prostration. After the test, I went to faculty office to hand in my essay, but the copy machine there didn’t work. What an unlucky day! That was really the most thrilling and memorable experience for me, and I learn a lesson that I should prepare everything early and have a good rest on the important day. 

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
Describe a change that will improve your local area.Sample Answer 1