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Describe an interesting thing you have learned.小站独家解析

You should say

How often you searched on it
What you have learned from the Internet
And explain why you thought it was interesting

I became really interested in baking last year when I started watching American TV series ‘Two Broke Girls’. The dream of this two girls is to own a large bakery, so they bake cupcakes for sale to earn more money. Because of this, I decided to learn baking, but I was still a rookie in baking, so I wanted to start it over. I searched the Internet for specific recipes. Thanks to the Internet, I could get easy access to the information I need. Since I’m only available on the weekends, I searched for the recipes every Friday evening and then made preparations, so I could start baking the next morning. The recipe I have learned this time, is how to make cupcakes. At first, I though baking the cupcakes was not that hard, but it turned out to be different. In order to make delicate and pretty fondant-covered cupcakes, I had to follow every step of the recipe strictly, especially pay attention to what we call ‘Baker’s percentage’, which means, the percentage of the flour, water and sugar should be strictly measured. In addition, I had to be careful of the heat of the oven and the baking time, or else the cupcakes would be overcooked. After taking the cupcakes out of the oven, I also need to decorate the cupcakes with some colourful chocolate beans. From the recipes, I learned that baking is also a type of skill that needs patience, chariness and initiative. Although the whole process sounds a little bit complex, it’s still quite interesting to learn how to do it. When you devote your time and your energy to something and the results turn out to be good, you will feel a sense of fulfillment. 


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