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Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam.Sample Answer2

You should say

When it happened
Where it happened
How you passed the time while waiting
And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

On National Day, I went to Shanghai with my parents and It was usually a four hour drive. In the knowledge of how awful the traffic conditions could be at public holidays, we set out at 5 in the morning.However, like a curse, a traffic jam still happened when we were only 20 kilometers away from the highway exit. After 100 meters’ journey in an hour, a traffic policeman finally informed us that a pileup had occurred ahead of the road, and it would took at least two hours to clean up road. The bad newsreally bugged me.

To tell the truth, I didn’t intended to join the trip at the first place and would have preferred to stay at home.After I entered college, I found that there had been fewer and fewer common topics between my parents and I. I was always playing on my phone alone when Iwas with them.

Suddenly, my father, who always wears a poker face, advised us to play cards to kill time. Though reluctantly, Iagreed. To my surprise, my parents played so well that I had to focus to win and gradually became buried in it. As time went on, we were totally relaxed andstarted to make fun of each other. What’s more, we actually had some real talk about my college life and share our opinions on some current events while playing. The added bonus is that we had more common grounds than expected. Threehours passed quickly. By the time our car started again, I still had not yet withdrawn myself from the play-and-talk joy.

Although we were three hours later than scheduled, I feel more close to my parents than ever before, and the waiting hours in the car is priceless. So maybe sometimes traffic jams are not so good-for-nothing.

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