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Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam.Sample Answer4

You should say

When it happened
Where it happened
How you passed the time while waiting
And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

As we all know, traffic jam is gradually becoming one of the biggest issues in our society. I can even not count how many times I went through this kind of problem. I clearly remember that last Monday afternoon a heavy rain made the traffic slow down and stuck eventually.I was on the school bus at that time. Therefore, I took out my cellphone from my pocket to click an app randomly to play games and then browse some news on social networks to see if there were some new notification. So at the first time, I did not think this traffic jam was a big problem. However, after 2 hours, my battery was dead and I had nothing to do but read some textbooks to kill my tedious time. I began to become more and more anxious. I thought my parents must have been waiting for me for quite a long time and they probably were worried about me so much. So with a little hesitation, finally I got off the school bus and rushed to my home. When I got home, I was wet all over and I could see the dirty rain stream from my clothes and hair. I don’t know what was going on about the traffic later. I just think it was such a nightmare for me.I wish it could never happen again.

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