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Describe a time when you invite others to enjoy dinner.Sample Answer

You should say

When you had this meal.
Where you had it
What you ate and drank
And explain why you invited people to this meal

Well, last Saturday was my birthday, so I invited my friends to the dinner. It was at my home, and I was the one cooking, Of course, it was a bit more effort doing this, but it was really enjoyable. As I thought this would be a lot better than just going out to some restaurant where we might not be able to fully enjoy ourselves. And the reason I say this is that whenever I’ve tried to have special meals at restaurants in the past, things have invariably gone wrong, such as waiters messing up the orders, or having to wait ages for the food to arrive, so from now on, I would much prefer to be in full control of everything. So during the several days before my birthday, I had been preparing for the meal. I searched the internet and made my own recipes. As for the main course, I cooked beef, chicken, fish and some vegetables. For dessert, I served them chocolate cakes, as I’m a bit of a chocoholic, along with some ice cream and orange juice, just in case any of them didn’t like the cake. It was a great meal that I had with my family and my friends, actually it is not important about the food, it is more important about the time we stayed together.

Describe a time when you invite others to enjoy dinner.Sample Answer1
Describe a time when you invite others to enjoy dinner.Sample Answer2
Describe a time when you invite others to enjoy dinner.Sample Answer3
【雅思考官】雅思口语part2实例:educational TV programme