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2023年04月26日11:12 来源:小站整理
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以下是最新雅思写作Task 2范文:

题目:Some people believe that technology has made our lives more complicated, while others feel that it has had the opposite effect. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Technology has become an increasingly ubiquitous presence in our daily lives, and its impact on our wellbeing is a topic of much debate. While some individuals believe that technology has made our lives unnecessarily complex, many others argue that it has had a positive impact on our lives. This essay will examine both sides of the argument before drawing a conclusion.

On the one hand, detractors of technology argue that it has made our lives more complicated. Firstly, they point out that social media and other forms of digital communication can be a source of stress, as people feel pressure to be constantly connected and responsive to messages. Secondly, they argue that the sheer amount of information available online is overwhelming, making it difficult to filter useful information from the noise. This can lead to anxiety and a feeling of being constantly bombarded with choices.

However, supporters of technology argue that it has made our lives easier and more convenient in a number of ways. For instance, technology has enabled us to work remotely, freeing us from the constraints of a fixed location and a rigid work schedule. Additionally, online shopping and the ability to access information from anywhere have become increasingly popular and convenient. Moreover, technology has enabled us to stay connected with friends, family and colleagues easily, even when separated by geography or time zones.

In my opinion, while technology has certainly made our lives more complex in some ways, it has actually had a net positive impact on our wellbeing. The ability to communicate and access information from anywhere has given us greater choice and flexibility in our lives, and it has enabled us to work more efficiently and effectively. While it is true that some people may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and communication options available through technology, this is ultimately a problem of moderation and self-control.

In conclusion, while some people argue that technology has made our lives unnecessarily complicated, I believe that its benefits outweigh its disadvantages. Technology has had a positive impact on our lives by improving our ability to communicate, work, learn and stay connected, and it will continue to do so as long as we use it responsibly.



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