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2023年06月14日17:26 来源:小站整理
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  • Background/Context of the topic
  • Briefly introduce both sides of the argument
  • State the writer's view/position
  • Thesis statement

Body Paragraph 1:

  • Topic sentence presenting the first viewpoint
  • Explanation of the viewpoint
  • Relevant example to support the viewpoint
  • Counter-argument refutation

Body Paragraph 2:

  • Transition sentence introducing the second viewpoint
  • Topic sentence presenting the second viewpoint
  • Explanation of the viewpoint
  • Relevant example to support the viewpoint
  • Counter-argument refutation

Body Paragraph 3:

  • Transition sentence introducing the writer's viewpoint
  • Topic sentence presenting the writer's viewpoint
  • Explanation of the viewpoint
  • Relevant example to support the viewpoint


  • Summarize the main points
  • Restate the writer's viewpoint
  • Final concluding thought

Here is a sample essay using this template:

In many countries, smoking has become a serious social problem. While some people believe that smoking should be banned in all public places, others argue that people should have the freedom to smoke wherever they wish. In my opinion, smoking should be banned in all public places, including restaurants, bars, and parks.

Body Paragraph 1:
First and foremost, smoking in public spaces can cause harm to others. Second-hand smoke can cause various health issues such as asthma and lung cancer to non-smokers who inhale the smoke regularly. For instance, a recent study found that individuals who live with family members who smoke have a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who live in a smoke-free environment. However, supporters of smoking freedom might argue that smokers should have the right to smoke freely in public places, since smoking is a personal choice. Nevertheless, public spaces are shared by everyone, and smoking can negatively impact the health of others who choose not to smoke.

Body Paragraph 2:
Moreover, smoking in public places can lead to environmental pollution. Apart from second-hand smoke that harms people's health, smoking leaves behind cigarette butts and other pollutants that damage the environment. For example, discarded cigarette butts often end up in waterways, causing harm to aquatic life. Opponents of a smoking ban might argue that smokers are responsible enough to dispose of their cigarette butts properly, and banning smoking in public places is not necessary. However, it is difficult to enforce proper disposal practices and protect the environment without a total ban on smoking in public places.

Body Paragraph 3:
In conclusion, smoking should be totally prohibited in public places. Protecting public health and environment are more important than the personal freedom of smokers. Banning smoking in public places will create a healthier and cleaner environment for people to live in.

To sum up, smoking in public places is a problem that needs to be addressed. It can cause harm to non-smokers, harm the environment, and negatively impact public health. Therefore, banning smoking in public places is necessary for creating a healthier and cleaner environment.



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