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9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文:something you have shared with others

2016年10月12日18:29 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语9-12月的Part3口语范文,是和something you have shared with others有关的8个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天小站雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于something you have shared with others,来看一下相关的8个问题及答案:

9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文:something you have shared with others图1

1.What are the advantages of sharing?

2.How do parents teach their children to share with others?Why?

3.Should people share food in parties?Why?

4.Should people share transportation tools?

5.What methods should be taken to enable people to share their transportation tools in cities?

6.Would you mind sharing something in public places?

7.Do people share their houses/ homes?

8.If you have to share a room with others, do you think a clear rule is needed?

Sample answers:

1.Sharing will increase efficiencies and stimulate productivity. For example, what I want to do in the next working schedule is already accomplished by another employee in the other department. Under such circumstance, if the person is willing to share the documents with me, I would be able to directly edit the documents and add more contents based on the original ones.

2.Many methods can be adopted for parents to teach their kids to share with others. One most useful approach is by setting examples. Parents can share good news or things with their own friends, colleagues and other children, and their toddlers will imitate what they have seen and learn to share. Also, by tasting the sweetness of being appreciated, kids will form the habit of doing so.

3.Definitely yes, it is a necessity for people to share foods on the occasion of parties, because the practice allows them to associate, make new friends and get business done. It is awkward and abrupt to directly introduce oneself in front of a group of strangers, so food might be the appropriate conversation start. The question of “do you also want to have the biscuit?” will help establish a common ground and help strangers approach each other.

4.Of course, yes, it is beneficial for commuters to share one private car. It is especially environmentally friendly because there will be less cars with more people on the road, so traffic jams will be less severe and the exhaust emitted by waiting cars will be dramatically reduced. Besides, people in the same car could share what is happening recently and strengthen their bonds.

5.Technology and policies, I guess. There should be some effective applications such as Uber so that customers could choose the nearest car for hitchhiking. Apart from locating, the application should also provide appropriate pricing rules so that it is cheaper to hitchhike than to take a taxi. Besides, the government could promote the carpooling by some form of allowance.

6.It depends on what things to share. For expensive products, my answer would be a definite No because people usually don’t value things in public places that much. They might do damage to the coffee machine, juicer or air purifier, which in extreme cases might even be stolen. But if it is only a pencil or a fountain pen, it does not matter that much to me.

7.Yes, people share their houses with others, and that is why the renting industry is booming. Those who come from remote areas to metropolises such as London, Paris and Shanghai at first won’t have enough money for renting a whole apartment, so they will share the renting fees and the house with others. It is economical to do so and there might have more emotional support in this way.

8.Definitely yes, a clear rule is the prerequisite for being the roommate with each other. Many problems may arise because two people are getting too close. Even parents and kids could argue over the priority to use the bathroom, let alone those who are almost strangers. To set rules such as no more noise after 11 p.m. and no smoking in the sitting room can avoid potential conflicts.



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