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最新雅思口语Part2范文:a historic event in your country

2017年04月14日13:38 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(15) 阅读(23711)
摘要:“History”这个话题在雅思口语Part 1已经不算新题了,可是现在居然雅思官方的手已经伸到了part2.这可是难到了很多对历史一知半解的同学哇。不过,现在小站编辑为你整理了一篇英国人写的9分答案,一起看看应该如何优雅地向老外讲解自己的历史。


最新雅思口语Part2范文:a historic event in your country图1


Describe a historical event from your country 本国历史事件

You should say:

what the event was

when and where it happened

how you learnt about this event

and explain why you remember this event so well


1.Brief introduction

I’m going to tell you about what I think was a really significant event in British history – the Battle of Hastings.

2.When it happened

I guess that this is one of those dates that almost every British person knows – even if they don’t know much about history. It happened in 1066 – almost a thousand years ago now – but I still think that it’s one of those really important events – not just for what happened at the time but because it still matters today.

3.What happened

In a nutshell what happened was that the French – or the Normans better said – invaded England. The actual set of events is a bit more complex than that of course – as history always is. I’m no historian but I seem to remember that there were two invasions almost at the same time – a Viking army came to the north of England and the Normans crossed the Channel and landed in the south. The upshot was that Norman army defeated the Anglo- Saxons and took control of the whole country.

4.Who was involved

The two main protagonists were William the Conqueror as we now call him and Harold – the Saxon king. Again, they’re two historical figures that almost everyone can name. Harold was particularly famous for being shot with an arrow through the eye.

5.Why it was important

As I said a bit before it was really significant. Some people claim that it was the last time England was ever successfully invaded. But for me the real importance is that because of the Battle of Hastings the English language changed completely – half of it now comes from French really and that’s all down to Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror.


Do you like history?

Do your parents think learning history is important?

What are the benefits of museums?

Are museums in your country free of charge?

Which way is better for learning history? Through reading books or visiting


Do major cities in your country all have museums?



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