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5-8月预测雅思口语Part2话题及范文:a quiet place

2017年04月20日18:04 来源:小站整理
参与(27) 阅读(13799)
摘要:本文为大家分享雅思口语1-4月题库出现的一道part2话题:a quiet place,准备5月份考试的烤鸭可要注意了。根据以往的考试规律,这道高频真题很有可能会延续到5-8月的题库中的。所以,赶紧开动起来吧。

雅思口语part 2 机经中关于地点类的话题一直都不多,类别也比较简单,不会像事件类和物品类那样话题多又杂。地点类告诉大家几个必备的答案,国家(不是中国哦),花园或公园,体育馆或体育馆。这三个地方就能让我们回答很多问题。之前我们分析过一个国家巴厘岛,今天我们就来说说花园或是公园。

5-8月预测雅思口语Part2话题及范文:a quiet place图1


我们偷懒一下,花园跟公园其实可以合并到一起,因为公园的一角肯定有个花园对吧。那花园肯定是个很安静的地方咯,Describe a quiet place 就是它了。大家去那里赏赏花散散步,有些人可能会在僻静的地方野炊一下,都是有可能的。所以我们就可以很负责任的说这个地方是一个可以放松的地方A place where you go to relax。虽然身为青年的你不是很喜欢花园这种小清新的地方,我们可以稍稍假装一下,那A garden you have visited我们也搞定了。一个小小的花园我们就解决掉了三个问题,鼓掌!

I am a quite lively person. I come back home till lights on, parties, hanging out and going on trips. So I have deep familiarity with my place. Talking about a quiet place, I would like to share with you a garden in my city, which called XXX.

This garden is far away from the center of my city. Although it has distance from where I live, it is very convenient for me to go there. I mean there is no need for me to transfer halfway. It contains numerous trees and flowers, I can name some of them, such as daisy, Chinese rose and peony, while most of them are unfamiliar with me. In the western corner of the garden, there is a bridge where people can take pictures and enjoy the whole view of the garden.

On top of that, the best part of the garden is the spacious square, which may serve as entertainment place for elders, like Doing tai chi, square dancing.

Every time I visit there, I just think that I am the part of the garden and be clear-headed, wandering, enjoying the sunshine and breathing the fresh air. There is one thing that I often do is going for a walk, because I bear too much pressure from study every single day. In my eyes, it is a good way to loosen me up.



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