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2017年04月21日13:31 来源:小站整理
参与(6) 阅读(12729)




1. Are you interested in robots? Why?


I cannot say that I am obsessed with robots, but every moment I see robots, I think they are so cool. Don't you think it is a magic that they can fully understand the instructions we give to them?

2. Do you like robots to work at your home?

I am pretty content with robots working at my home doing things that I really don’t like. So, for example, things like cleaning the room or the car, well if the robot does it I am good with it. Or, for sometimes make food for me. But, then depending entirely on them, does not suits me well. Allowing the robot to cook food for me or drive car for me, is not something I will go for. Sometimes it is good, but there are times you wish to do things on your own, spend time with people you love. I think balancing between both is where the things will go.

3. What do you think robots might be able to do in people's homes in the future?


Well, you know, how awesome the artificial intelligence is! Robots are widely regarded as super helpers of human beings, doing the chores like a housewife, fixing the household appliances and doing the manual labor. In my mind, they can do anything except giving a birth to a baby.

4. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?


Wow, it sounds awesome, but the problem of security is still one of my concern. Maybe one day, it is supported by a sufficiently advanced technology, I will try with pleasure.

5. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?

我承认机器人的准确性有时候要远远要高于人类, 尤其是技术性比较强的工作,但是呢做决策,或是设计的工作依旧不能被取代,因为他们没有感觉也没有情绪。

I have to acknowledge that the accuracy of robots in the certain field is far better than mankind, especially those jobs that emphasize more on the technology and operation. But I don't think they can totally replace men, I mean, many jobs are still not suited to robots. They have no feelings or emotions, so making decisions and designing things are not their strong suit.

6. Do you think robots might be dangerous in the future?



It’s hard to judge that whether robots might be a danger. As we all know, the artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, so it is likely that robots would have true emotions like us. By then, we may worry about that.



I don’t think so. Many people think that robots are too advanced to control. But to my knowledge, the power and abilities they owned are all given by we human beings, by scientists. In a word, there is need to worry about that.

7. How do you think robots will influence society in the future?


For opener, robots can share most of difficult and demanding jobs, like porters and sanitation workers. Meanwhile, they can replace people to do dangerous jobs, such as the work on rescue scene and construction sites.

While it still has drawbacks, it will exert bad influence on employment rate in the long term.



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