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2017最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:an interesting foreigner

2017年10月16日14:26 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文口语话题Part3范文:Describe an interesting foreigner you know,共有5题范文。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。

9-12月的雅思口语题库Part3部分话题范文已更新,各路烤鸭速速来收藏,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。本文话题:一个有趣的外国人(an interesting foreigner ),更多精彩内容小编正疯狂整理中,尽情期待。此范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于勤加练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。


2017最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:an interesting foreigner图1

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示例范文:Describe an interesting foreigner you know

1. Is it important to have friends from other countries? 和其他国家的人交朋友重要吗?

Well, I would even say it's vital nowadays as it can help people become open-minded and accept the differences within races, cultures and religious backgrounds. It can also help people look at things beyond the surface, garner rich and diverse experiences about the world, get away from a particular mindset and become more adept at carrying themselves through different situations in life. So, making friends with people from other countries is very important for understanding people and the world better and, as a result, improving the quality of life.

2. What do you do before going to another country? 在去其他国家之前你要做些什么?

Oh, before going to a foreign country, first of all, I check-in with my doctor and insurance carrier to make sure that I have all of the proper vaccinations and find out if my medical insurance policy applies overseas for emergencies. I also visit my bank and check if my credit card will work in the country I am visiting as well as exchange money to have enough local cash on hand. Then I usually research what I can and cannot bring inside the country, how to get to the hotel from the airport, what event' going on while I am there and what national dishes to try. The last thing I do is check the weather forecast and pack my bag accordingly.

3. Is making foreign friends the best way to learn English? 交外国朋友是学英语的最佳方式吗?

Well, I wouldn't say it's the best way to learn English though it's definitely the best way to conquer people's fear to speak and make mistakes. I think that learning grammar is of primary importance as it is the foundation for communication, and I don't think foreign friends can teach grammar the way which will keep people from being misunderstood while expressing their thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, foreign friends are a good motivation to really improve a language in order feel hindered in communication. So it’s definitely worth making such friendships to feel as comfortable as possible while conducting talks with native speaker.

4. Why do some people choose to work at an international company? 为什么一些人选择在国际公司工作?

Oh, I think people opt for employment in international companies 'cause such companies always provide employees with big opportunities. Working for a large international corporation people become a part of a huge community and create invaluable networks, get access to a host of resources such as specialist training courses and additional qualifications, have tremendous room for upward and sideways growth opportunities without having to leave. What is more, they have greater security and a more steady work pace than employees of small local businesses, and, of course, credibility and confidence to move internationally.

5. Why do some people prefer to purchase branded products produced abroad? 为什么一些人更愿意买国外的名牌产品?

Well, I think, first of all, because of brand reputation, proper advertising in the most watched channels and better presentation. One more reason I can name is the simple notion in our minds that western products are better in quality as they are usually more expensive, and humans assume price as a reasonable indicator of quality. Oh, and maybe also because foreign branded products enhance people's social status, which is still really important for some people.



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