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雅思口语题库part2话题范文:interesting neighbour of yours(有趣的邻居)(汇总)

2017年11月28日15:19 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文为雅思口语part2题库话题范文汇总之:有趣的邻居(Describe an interesting neighbour of yours),共7篇参考范文,内容有关7位有趣的邻居,范文普遍适用于各类考生,篇篇精彩,助你口语花式提分,速速收藏起来。戳红色链接即可查看范文版本。

本期为雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:一个有趣的邻居(Describe an interesting neighbour of yours),有一个有趣的邻居是怎样的一种体验?5个版本的口语参考答案供你参考,看高分参考范文怎么说。多款范文供你选择,爱生活,爱雅思,更爱自己。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。范文自取:

Describe an interesting neighbour of yours

You should say:

Who the person is

How did you know this person

And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting


雅思口语题库part2话题范文:interesting neighbour of yours(有趣的邻居)(汇总)图1

版本1:雅思口语范文: Mr. Adalric ☜戳左可入

Mr. Adalric 是一个英俊的帅哥,穿着随性对发型要求很高,常常辅导“我”的英语写作,在我忘记带钥匙的时候还会带我去他家。

高分语段: I like Mr. Adalric much for his benevolence behaviour and his extrovert nature. He likes meeting newer people and most of the time I see him talking with people whom he has never met before and once he told me that it is a hobby for him to get familiar with the unfamiliar people in his surroundings. Besides, he is the person who understands the almost every situation and comes to offer help without any conditions. He has helped me too in some of the situations and particularly in my study. Whenever he comes to visit us, he asks about my study and if I am in trouble with any of my subjects, especially English, he provides me the directives to study and in some cases makes the texts and issues clear to me.

版本2:雅思口语范文:Andrew John先生 ☜戳左可入

50岁的Andrew John是一个爱读书的退伍军人,我们都热爱阅读,我们的关系亦师亦友,是很好的邻居。

高分语段:I had had several conversations with him and I often play chess with him. I like to read as well and our reading habit was the primary reason we started liking our accompany each other. I like and admire this man very much. Though at first impression he seems to be an arrogant person, but in reality, he is an intelligent, calm, good-hearted and charming man. I have heard lots of stories from him. He has travelled to many different places and has lots of experience. Since I have become close to him, he recommends me books that I mostly enjoy reading. He advises me whenever I seek for his guidance. He is sometimes a close friend, sometimes a mentor and sometimes a guardian. I like him because of our unclaimed friendship, his personality, honesty, morality and his great mind.

版本3:雅思口语范文: Joni uncle ☜戳左可入

Joni uncle80岁,是一个退休历史老师,平时非常健谈,喜欢助人为乐。

高分语段:He reads a lot and seems to know something about everything. During our morning walk he tells me many stories about his life. He is a self made man. He told me how he started from scratch after the partition and worked very hard to make a living. He has two sons who live in the States but he prefers to lead a simple life in his own home here. I love listening to his stories. He also has a great sense of humor. He can lighten up any tense situation by cracking jokes. He has a magnanimous personality.He donates his entire pension for charity.

版本4:雅思口语范文: 帕特里克先生☜戳左可入


高分语段:He is very amiable and talented person. He speaks very kindly with everybody and with children and senior citizen he behaves very mildly no matter what. I have seen his research papers been published in a reputed science and engineering journal and he is a renowned engineer in our town. In his career life, he is a successful Engineer and in his personal life he is a good human, dotting father and caring husband. He obeys the rules and regulation of our community very strictly and because of that, everyone in our community likes him.

版本5:雅思口语范文: 默契邻居奥利弗☜戳左可入


高分语段:Given how close we live together, our front doors face directly onto one another, we see each other incredibly rarely. We both have busy lives, working full time but different hours. At weekends I tend to be out and about, and he’ll often disappear for the weekend to stay with his girlfriend. Even so, whenever we do meet, it is always friendly, we make each other laugh. We often end up having long conversations just chatting in the hallway outside our front doors. I probably see him only once a fortnight or so, but we leave each other notes too from time to time if we need help with anything.




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