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2018年雅思口语part1话题预测配答案:Gifts(礼物) 变题不慌!

2017年12月11日10:23 来源:小站整理
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2018年雅思口语part1话题预测配答案:Gifts(礼物) 变题不慌!图1


Gifts 题目参考答案及范文

1. Do you like to receive gifts?(Why?/ Why not?)

Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because I’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.

2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?(Why?)

Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite habit. When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.

3. Do you like giving gifts to people?(Why?/ Why not?)

Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.

4. What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?

I just remembered when I was young, I was used to send friends something I made by myself, like making a postcard.

5.When do people give gifts in your country?

Answer A)I think like in most countries, people tend to give gifts on special occasions like birthdays or marriages, graduation from college or university or any other major event in someday’s life. People also give gifts to each other when they are meeting after a very long time or before they are leaving to some other place.

Answer B) People in my country, tend to give gifts whenever we feel like. Most of the people understand, that we are living busy lives and it is through gifts that we can actually make people feel good about each other and tell them how much we care for them. So, you could find us exchanging gifts on small occasions like, a meeting or may be small hangout at someone’s place. Although, the gifts that we exchange are not very expensive, I think it is a good idea express oneself through gifts.

Answer C) People in my country, rarely do exchange gifts. We all live very close to each other and work together, that it is like a big family only. Also, the economic condition of our country, does not allows people to spend lots of money. But, I think, although we cannot give expensive gifts to each other, being close to one another during rough and happy times, is the biggest gift one can ever give to anyone, and we give it every day.

6.Do you like giving or receiving gifts?

Sample 1 – “I like being given something. It’s exciting to unwrap a present and see what it is. Also it shows that someone cares about you. Or maybe it just means that they want something in return!”

Sample 2 – “I prefer to give rather than receive. I love the look on someone’s face when they open a present. I also like to make things for people. I think it’s more meaningful than just buying something in a store.”

Sample 3 – “I like both. It’s nice to get something, especially something that you want, or if the gift is from someone that you like. But, I really like to give people things as well. It doesn’t have to be anything big or cost a lot of money. I just really like to see their reaction when they open it.”

7.What kind of gifts do you prefer?

Sample 1 – “I like to get things that I can use – I mean things that are practical. It might be kind of boring, but I like to get things like socks and underwear because I always need those and I don’t like shopping for those things!”

Sample 2 – “I really appreciate something that I know the person giving it to me has put in a lot of thought into it. Maybe they remembered something that I mentioned liking and then a long time after that they see something like it and buy it more me. The cost doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.”


There is no right or wrong answer in speaking. As long as you can say something clear and try to speak for a few sentences, you can get a good mark. In the first example, the person likes to receive gifts, in the second example they like to give gifts, and in the third example they like both.

Try to use some different structures when answering the question. In the first example, instead of saying “I like receiving gifts” (the same as the question), the answer is “I like to be given something”.

Try to explain your main points to make them clear (you can even repeat and clarify your idea using different language). In the first example “things that I can use” is made clearer by saying “things that are practical”.

Try to use some natural language and common expressions. In the second example, the expression “It’s the thought that counts” is used.



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